Why won't Obama reach across the aisle?

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I don't blame Obama for the look on his face last night as many times he had just finished stating his position and in would come good old John saying that his opponent was advocating the total opposite. Does John McCain have a hearing problem
................... And Obama didn't do this? :DOH!

And one of Obama's statements that was an outright lie! Why did McCain not have the right to correct statements like this?

And 100 percent, John, of your ads — 100 percent of them have been negative."

Edited to add dollar wise Obama spent 42 million on negative ads. McCain spent 27 million on negative ads.
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I don't blame Obama for the look on his face last night as many times he had just finished stating his position and in would come good old John saying that his opponent was advocating the total opposite. Does John McCain have a hearing problem
................... And Obama didn't do this? :DOH!

And one of Obama's statements that was an outright lie! Why did McCain not have the right to correct statements like this?

And 100 percent, John, of your ads — 100 percent of them have been negative."

I thought that odd as well. But, you didnt add the complete quote. He did state ( and I will go look at the recording to make sure) that it was McCains recent ads. And they have been, at least all that I have seen. Not one in recent memory has been about what JOHN will do. All have been about what Obama will do.
I asked Steve last night if McCain really believed what he was saying about Obama, was he lying or is it as simple as him believing what's he's told by his advisors, no matter the obvious evidence to the contrary...all of those possibilities scare the crap out of me! [/quote
And, what did Steve say?
Not quite 100%

During the week of September 28-October 4, nearly 100 percent of the McCain campaign’s

advertisements were negative. During the same period, 34 percent of the Obama campaign’s ads

were negative.


This is one point that I will have to agree with McCain on

John McCain: Negative Attack Ads Show You Have No Vision

I asked Steve last night if McCain really believed what he was saying about Obama, was he lying or is it as simple as him believing what's he's told by his advisors, no matter the obvious evidence to the contrary...all of those possibilities scare the crap out of me!
And, what did Steve say?
He kept shaking his head, saying "what is he talking about?". Steve is a staunch, STUBBORN 100% Republican (makes for an interesting household~LOL), but he will not vote for McCain after the last 2 months of this campaign, neither will his parents...which is stunning. This has been a hard campaign for Steve. It's made him reexamine his long held, deeply personal political views and he's not liking what he's finding. I think he's so disapointed with McCain and Palin's proposed policies, behavior and the tone of the campaign, that he is considering, for the first time in his life, voting for a Democrat for President.
I think that McCain had his best debate tonight - but still seemed uncomfortable. His body language made him seem that way, anyway. I had a few small quibbles with him... no one is pro-abortion as he kept saying. They may be pro-choice - but pro-abortion? No. And how did Sarah Palin suddenly become an expert on special needs kids? Little Trig is only months old - and has Down Syndrome. So why all the references to autism? Does Palin also have an autistic child or is McCain simply mixing up autism and Down Syndrome? I found that a bit confusing...

If Palin became President then maybe Joe Sixpack or Joe Plumber could be VP...
I agree on that about autism and downs syndrome. Palin's baby is months old and who is really caring for this child right now? Having a special needs baby and caring for a special needs child 24/7 are two different things and if for some reason she is to be our president where does that put that child as she needs to take care of national issues? What about her pregnant daughter and her needing mom if something happens with her child? (sorry hon...gotta go to Russian...see ya?) Just my humble O...oops here come the torches!
I agree on that about autism and downs syndrome. Palin's baby is months old and who is really caring for this child right now? Having a special needs baby and caring for a special needs child 24/7 are two different things and if for some reason she is to be our president where does that put that child as she needs to take care of national issues? What about her pregnant daughter and her needing mom if something happens with her child? (sorry hon...gotta go to Russian...see ya?) Just my humble O...oops here come the torches!
Yep, was rather a silly statement. No different than anyone who has a special needs child and puts them in day care while they go to work. Could add more but I will let it as is. I hope you get the idea.
Right now she is carting the child around on a bus.. She was in WalMart with him yesterday to buy diapers and got swamped with the kid in her arms.. So I guess she will take him to Russia with her.. or send Todd to Russia for her..
You sure can tell McCain is smitten with Palin in the debate last night..

dictionary results for: smitten

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

smit·ten /ˈsmɪtn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[smit-n] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective 1. struck, as with a hard blow.

2. grievously or disastrously stricken or afflicted.

3. very much in love.

–verb 4. a pp. of smite.
I agree on that about autism and downs syndrome. Palin's baby is months old and who is really caring for this child right now? Having a special needs baby and caring for a special needs child 24/7 are two different things and if for some reason she is to be our president where does that put that child as she needs to take care of national issues? What about her pregnant daughter and her needing mom if something happens with her child? (sorry hon...gotta go to Russian...see ya?) Just my humble O...oops here come the torches!
Yep, was rather a silly statement. No different than anyone who has a special needs child and puts them in day care while they go to work. Could add more but I will let it as is. I hope you get the idea.
Please tell me you aren't comparing the VP or the Presidency with us regular folks and taking our kids to daycare for 8 hrs a day 5 days a week?
Interesting no one's answered my question about the ACORn panel, I think.

Anyhow, here's some information on ads and 'negative' campaigning:


"A McCain campaign analysis shows that from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 Obama spent $42 million on negative ads compared to $27 Million by McCain. But over the same period, Obama spent $29 million on positive ads compared with only $5 million by McCain. So during this time period, Obama outspent McCain more on positive messages than on negative ones."

So Obama has outspent McCain on negative ads, but mostly because he's outspent McCain period. If we just use the above figures, Obama's used more than half of his ad money over the last month for positive campaign ads. McCain has used less than one fourth of his funds for positive ads. For at least the last month, McCain's been the most negative.

From just scanning the news today, I'm finding things like this:

58 percent of those polled who watched the debate say Obama is the winner

Poll: Obama's favorable rating up to 66 percent, McCain's down to 49 percent

80 percent of debate watchers in poll say McCain was more on the attack

I was reading something else the other day-of course I can't find it-about who those polled thought was more trustworthy, who had a better positive public opinion about him. I will give you a hint: it wasn't McCain.

I'm looking at a report from my local news station. And while I live in 'liberal' California, my part of California is not-so-liberal. We're a heavily agrarian area, which tends to lend itself to conservatism. If we are not mostly conservative in this county, then we're at least split down the middle. The results of our local poll:

Was John McCain the clear winner? Was Barack Obama the clear winner? Or, was there no clear winner?

28% John McCain

56% Barack Obama

16% No Clear Winner

Did the candidates spend too much time attacking each other? Too little time? Or the right amount of time?

39% Too Much

13% Too Little

45% Just The Right Amount

3% Not Sure

Was Barack Obama too forceful? Not forceful enough? Or just right?

14% Too Forceful

22% Not Forceful Enough

61% Just Right

3% Not Sure

Was John McCain too forceful? Not forceful enough? Or just right?

49% Too Forceful

19% Not Forceful Enough

30% Just Right

2% Not Sure

Which candidate was more truthful?

32% McCain

56% Obama

12% Not Sure

Which candidate was more angry?

70% McCain

15% Obama

16% Not Sure

Which candidate laid out a better vision for America's future?

31% McCain

62% Obama

7% Not Sure

Who had the best one-liner?

33% McCain

42% Obama

25% Not Sure

Was the moderator of the debate, Bob Schieffer, fair to both candidates? Unfair to McCain? Or Unfair to Obama?

90% Fair To Both

5% Unfair To McCain

2% Unfair To Obama

3% Not Sure

Interesting stuff, certainly.
where does that put that child as she needs to take care of national issues? What about her pregnant daughter and her needing mom if something happens with her child?
The same place it puts all the other women serving in a public or private business position! Or did all of those women not have children?

I'm sure Mr Palin is capable of handling the diapers & meals just like a lot of other " Mr Moms" have done! Most likely this is not the first time someone serving in this capacity had a special needs child!

As for her daughter, she will be getting married and she and her husband look to be old enough to take care of themselves.
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Some of which is probably due to the scars from his torture while a POW limiting his movements .......
Rolling his eyes... facial expressions..... pursing his lips.... the odd bit of sneering ...none of that is as a result of torture from being a POW.

I did not see Obama "sneering" any more than McCain did... him smiling may be the same as McCain's excessive blinking - a reaction to the tension and being a bit nervous - whether they would admit it or not....

To be honest - I found them both lacking last night. I am not sure what I was expecting - maybe more of the men and less of the posturing politicians. I think Bob Schieffer won.

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