Hey why not, you only live life once, this is something that not everyone can do! It should bring great exposure for miniatures since they show the new wife at your home too! I watch the show, i am too chicken to do it although my husband & I bandy around what iffs. One thing we notice, is they always put the EXACT OPPOSITE type of wife in the switch. If one is a hard worker, they find someone lazy, If one is religious they get someone not. If one is a spoiled brat, they get a wife that is a perfect angel. It goes for the family too, they always seem to find someone that is the exact opposite, because frankly it makes for better TV, otherwise it would be boring. I like to think of myself as open to new ideas, but I notice that not many of the switching wives practice diplomacy when it comes time to talk to the other wives about what they found wrong in the households & not many people like to hear that everything they do is wrong. Just remember, what works for your family, may not work for everyone elses. It is better to lead by example that to preach it. Good luck & let us know when it airs!