wife swap update

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If you decide to do it, I know I will definitely be watching and hoping it is a great

experience for you and your family.

Freida :bgrin
I don't want to seem mean here.

: But here is one thing to think about.

What will happen if the person you trade with does something stupid.

And I don't meant this as being on purpose. (Feeding too much, the wrong things or not enough water in this heat. )

If they don't know about being around animals. And something happens to one of the animals.

That would be my greatest fear.

I worry when I am away for the day and even have someone checking on my horses to make sure they have water at noon.

Is there someone from your family that will be around all of the time?

Even with having horses for years. I find out about new things all the time.

Am I making any sence? I know what I am thinking but it is just not coming out right in writing.

If you do do it. I wish you all the luck and will certinaly watch it.

I think you should do it
: Though I have to tell ya...when my hubby & I watch the show He has made it very clear that he would NEVER want another women in his house with his kids and of course the changing of rules & regulations
: How does your hubby feel about the whole thing? I think I can be pretty sure your kids are up to it
: I would do it! Yes, I would be concerned about my critters and their care but that is when kids & hubby come in...they are all trained
A pen & paper comes in helpful too. But again I will never be in that position because my hubby would never go for it. If you have your family support...go for it!!! Teri
Hey why not, you only live life once, this is something that not everyone can do! It should bring great exposure for miniatures since they show the new wife at your home too! I watch the show, i am too chicken to do it although my husband & I bandy around what iffs. One thing we notice, is they always put the EXACT OPPOSITE type of wife in the switch. If one is a hard worker, they find someone lazy, If one is religious they get someone not. If one is a spoiled brat, they get a wife that is a perfect angel. It goes for the family too, they always seem to find someone that is the exact opposite, because frankly it makes for better TV, otherwise it would be boring. I like to think of myself as open to new ideas, but I notice that not many of the switching wives practice diplomacy when it comes time to talk to the other wives about what they found wrong in the households & not many people like to hear that everything they do is wrong. Just remember, what works for your family, may not work for everyone elses. It is better to lead by example that to preach it. Good luck & let us know when it airs!
Hee hee just put in your daily manual she has to come check the fourms a couple times a day as well
: That way we can check in on her and see how she is handling things

Was thinking along the same lines as you, Lisa!

The lady better come and check into the Forum -- just like Kay does! :lol: And you can bet we'll give her plenty of advice on how to feed the critters!!!!

If one is a hard worker, they find someone lazy,

Oh brother, if they get someone lazy to go to Kay's house, is SHE in for a big surprise. LMAO. Can just see it now, some city girl with manicured nails, that's never lifed a finger in manual labor before staring at a row of stalls needing cleaning, going, 'you want me to do what!?!?!?!??!'

And Kay, boy the shock on the 'other' family when YOU arrive. Not that you are a slave driver by any means, but when a person used to doing, and getting things done enters a house where no one does anything, all heck just has to break loose.
i so agree tami lol. no way can i sit around all day doing nothing or going shopping. im definately used to DOING. the casting person did say they will start with me and find my total opposite. i wonder if they do let you call friends?? i know you cant have any contact with your family. thats going to kill me!
Oh brother, if they get someone lazy to go to Kay's house, is SHE in for a big surprise. LMAO. Can just see it now, some city girl with manicured nails, that's never lifed a finger in manual labor before staring at a row of stalls needing cleaning, going, 'you want me to do what!?!?!?!??!'
But again, what everyone keeps forgetting is she only has to live in Kay's shoes for a day or two and then she changes Kay's family to what she likes and her lifestyle...which I'm sure she won't be cleaning stalls then, probably Kay's family will be. I think wife swap is more of an adjustment for the families than what it is for the wife, at least every episode I've seen is that way. That's what would scare me....what she is going to do to your family, house, etc...she gets to do whatever she wants (within reason I'm sure) after a day, and I wouldn't like that one bit.

If it was me, I'm not so sure I'd do it.

I'm not trying to discourage you Kay, but I don't know if I'd do it unless they were paying me a nice penny.

But it will be fun watching you do it! :bgrin
Kay, maybe they will let you call someone to check on the critters or to check if you are needed for CMHR issues?

sonya i will for sure be asking all these questions
i do think its 3 days before and 3 days with rule changes. im lucky that i have fran close and a next door neighbor that I have been teaching how I feed etc.
I don't know you really well, Kay, but I think from reading this thread you'd have fun. You seem to be a person who's got a lot on her plate, and to find your exact opposit and give her YOUR plate?? I HAVE to watch that!

If it's only 3 days of her "changing things" that won't be bad and I'm sure there are limits to what she can do. It's nice you have someone close to "check on the critters" if you decide to do it. Plus I'm sure your hubby and kids will make sure everyone is taken care of.

Now that I know it's only three days, I guess I'd do it too. It will be rough being away from your family (furry ones too) for a week without even any contact. How exciting, keep us posted!
Correct me if I am wrong here...i've watched Wife Swap numerous times and it's always entertaining! I always thought the wives were swapped for 2 weeks, 1 week living by the new families rules and then 1 week of living by the visiting wive's rules...to me, 3 days just doesn't seem enough to make a big difference, and I always see when the couples are re-united they jump all over each other as if they haven't seen each other in months, tears and all!

Now, don't get me wrong...if I were you Kay, I'd jump in there with both feet! As long as the critters around your house are backed up by a friend or family member who will know how to fix if "city girl" makes a mistake, get a move on! Now did you ever wonder what it would be like if you were sent to a 24hr a day dairy farm??? Or what if the family has a weird hobby like raising frogs? ooooo what if they raise suger gliders!!! Ok ok I bet they wont have animals just because you do...complete opposite I know...ok so here's the real kicker, what if they run a day care!

Ok i'll stop freaking you out LOL but my point is just like everyone elses...this would be awesome experience, not only for you but also for your family. Your kids will better respect you because they'll finally realize that your rules are NOT the worst in the world...and your hubby will have a newfound love for you when you return, and probably a whole new respect for everything you do around the house that he's never paid attention to before. And of course, vice versa! I totally say, GO FOR IT and let us know when to watch!!!
yes they do make it seem like its 2 weeks but its only 6 total days. so she would have 3 days of doing things my way and then she can change things for 3 days. At least that is what abc told me

All my family keep thinking im doing trading spouses. I keep telling them its WIFE SWAP lol.

havent heard from them yet today but ill keep ya all posted
Oh Kay, hum, I don't know. I just watched the show for the first time last night (due to this discussion). boy oh boy did that one families kids seem like brats, especially that boy. And the house from the other family... that New Jersey wife was a real whinner too though, and over-obsessed. and, oh my. I'm just wondering what it would be like for you.

Now you say it's only 6 days? They sure did make it seem like two weeks. One week by the families rules, then one week with the incoming wife's rules. I guess six days wouldn't be as bad.
Tami, I bet you that they film two weeks with week one being Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And week two being Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

:lol: That will be so neat to see a face/family to the name (on the forum). I'm sure you will be a prime example of a horsewoman/mini owner/human being if you get on!

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