Windchaser is oh so proud of his get.......... including Marbles

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2007
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Lake City, Florida
Windchaser is such a proud papa......His son Riverdances Spirit Of The Wind, won every class he was in under both judges, went on to win Four Grand Champions (Amateur and open) and then on to win Both Supremes.


Then his daughter Riverdances Wind Crystal, won her amateur classes, both Grand Champions, then one first in open under one judge and second under the other. Went on to win a Grand Championship and a Reserve Grand Champion in open and then a Reserve Supreme (yes this show gives a Reserve Supreme). Sorry, no yearling pictures of her yet, as she is not for sale. but she is one beautiful Perlino filly.

Marbles won her classes in youth and in open she took a 2nd and 3rd, then a two firsts in Color class.

I am oh so tired, but it was so worth it!!!
He should be a proud Papa! Congrats on a fantastic weekend!!!!!
I would love to see pictures of them that weren't "cut outs".
OK, here they are without being cut of of the nasty backgrounds. These are just pictures that I took with someone else holding the horses, not all cleaned up for a show either or something used to get the archy neck.

Riverdances Spirit Of The Wind


Riverdances Four On The Floor


Riverdances Marbled Tigress


Riverdances Wind Crystal as she was last year as a weanling. No pictures yet of her this year. It is only me here at the farm.

:yeah Marbles sure has changed colors since she was a foal! Such an interesting color pattern.
Oooooohhh! Thank you for posting! You definitely have "eye candy" at your farm.

That background is not "nasty" at all! It is very nice actually; well kept and safe fence is always nice to see! I couldn't be that lucky as almost all of the backgrounds to be had at my farm have nasty looking old mobile homes off in the distance.
Congrats! Windchaser has done a very nice job producing some wonderful get. Ahhh..Marbles
Wonderful pics of wonderful horses!! Love the length of neck and legs on your stallion. Congrats- what a fun day! Beautiful horses!
Love your stallion and his get...but gee that Marbles is really something else wish l could see her in person
Congratulations! I love your Windchaser foals, they are so beautiful! Our new Windchaser granddaughter just arrived this morning

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