Mini Gaits Farm
Well-Known Member
A little while ago....I posted on here about a weanling filly that I have this year that was a little weak and just not coming along quite as well as the others. I was inquiring on a product that I had heard of called Rejuvinaide.....I was sent a PM from Tiffany (RockRiverTiff) that she had a brand new bottle of it and had no use for it. I told her how much I would love to try it and offered to at the very least pay shipping...she asked for nothing and in just a few came in the mail. Thank you so much Tiffany for your have no idea how much that has touched are a dear, sweet and most thoughtful person...and I am happy to report that the filly is doing much better. Now know that I told you I am terrible with the PM's....but could you please e-mail me? Again....thank you so much for your kindness.