Wondering if Mira, our preemie, is a dwarf

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Oh Parmela, as said by so many already; your Mira is just an adorable sweet tiny baby girl! No dwarf there at all just a wee bit a filly, kiss her sweet face for me!
I think she is adorable and just TINY!! She looks well proportioned to me, and I do not see any dwarfism there at all. She is just itty bitty! Kiss her and hug her and spoil her rotten!! LOL
Thank you to everyone for your opinions (and compliments!). It's very relieving to know that so many of you don't think she's a dwarf, even though it wouldn't have made a difference in how much we love her.

Here is my favorite pic:


I'm going to pick her up everyday until she's too big and I can't! If I scratch her back while I'm holding her, she'll give me "kisses" which is her way of grooming me back. I just love it!

This type of stuff makes the money (and the loan we had to take out to cover the hospital bill) all worth it.
Yes that picture is PERFECT :)))

Susan O.
What an adorable little filly! She is just too precious for words. looks like she knows she is a little doll!

I agree with everyone else on here, Mira is definitely NOT a dwarf!

Now that last picture you posted should be on Equuisite!!

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