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Stacy Score

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
Yippee --- after being without power for 8 days - we finally got it back. It is a big hassle to have to keep the generator going but we feel fortunate that we have one. The roads out here are still a big mess and look like a war zone, but the heater is running, a HOT shower felt REALLY good (I don't recommend a cold one - geeze I was freezing for hours after those - don't know how our forefathers managed it!) -

Now I can do about 10 loads of laundry, run the dishwasher, vaccum the floor and a few other things that didn't happen when the power was out - oh yeah - maybe get online and catch up! ! !

Merry Christmas to all my Forum friends!

OMG I can't imagine being without power for 8 days. Glad your power is back on and that you are doing well.
WOW!! The longest I've ever been without power was 3 days and I thought THAT was bad... :new_shocked: !!

Totally understand about the cold shower thing, too...Brrrrrrrr......... :eek: :new_shocked:

Glad you have power back on...and can do all your chores....
: :bgrin...and oh yeah, read the forum, too!!! :aktion033:
One weekend half my house was without power due to the circuit breaker. of course the water heater was in the half that wasn't working :new_shocked: cold shower sucked and i couldn't get all the shampoo out of my hair so was going around work Monday morning with horrible goopy hair.
Welcome back, Stacy!! Back to the forum and back to the land of electricity, lol! :aktion033:

Eight days is a LONG time to be without power, yikes!
I'm so glad you're back and everything is "running" again!
: Wow...yep 8 days is too long to be without power!!!
8 Days is TOO long! Glad you're back with civilization! :bgrin

And I thought TWO days was bad enough!

Yep -- that's a loooooong time!! 2 yrs ago a hurricane took out the areas power lines and we went 10 days -- it was late, late summer so temps were tolerable. Boy, that hott wash unit I had gotten "for the shows" worked great :aktion033: Prior years it was heat the water in a pot!
Glad to hear your power is back on (finally). Just heard my SIL is on the way home from there, so I guess power has been restored everywhere. Now we're hoping they can get safely back for, at least, part of Christmas. However, I'm sure he'd rather just sleep when he gets back since they've been working 20 hour days. We're gonna try to keep him up at least long enough for Christmas dinner. LOL
I'm glad it came back by the Hoidays for you. Two years ago my sister electric was off through XMass. She stayed home to keep the fireplaces going to keep the pipes from freezing. Her children were out with us. It wasn't a great holiday for them.
:aktion033: Doesn't a warm toilet seat feel good too !!!

I live out in North Bend and we got ours back late Tuesday..Woooo Hoooo!!

We are getting some pretty scary winds here this morn....I don't think any of us in this state will take future wind storms lightly again. Have a Wonderful Warm Christmas!!! Teri

*where do you live?
Thanks all - it is really nice to have power again - trying to catch up is exhausting tho.

Terri - I am your neighbor - we live in Duvall! Up off of Cherry Valley Road - then farther up off of Mountain View Road - we got really slammed with the winds since we are kind of a the crest of the foothills - directly in the pass of the storm.

Oh well, I will enjoy it while it lasts! Merry Christmast to all!


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