Is the horse himself hurting the mini horse industry, NO! The owners are the ones promoting him and hurting the industry. This little horse deserves to be loved and cared for, just as any other little horse, and it looks as though he is. Shame is the owners are using him to try and make a few bucks and therefore hurting the reputable breeders. But, look at who whey are marketing too, the uneducated public, true mini people don't buy into this at all. When I first got into minis after having arabs, one of the Vets I worked for said, why do you want a dwarf horse when you have been doing so well with your arabs. I was shocked, but that was his conception of the miniature horse. I loaded a mini in the trailer and drove it to work and changed his mind. Seeing is believing. Get out there and promote the breed that we love so much, and not just for ribbons, and trophies, but do demos, parades and go to nursing homes. We can also educated the public if we try!