Would love to find out who is coming to AMHR National Show in Tulsa, OK

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I may fly down for 3 or 4 days, but I will not be showing. This will be my first year in college and school has to come before showing. I may have some horses down there in 2010, but none this year - Good Luck to everyone out there showing, and have fun!
Art and I are "planning" on going. We have friends that come from Fla every year. We usually hang out at the Silver Meadows stalls across from Erica's. We only come for one day on a Saturday, and before the night is over Art leaves me behind with friends and he goes home to feed 4 hrs one way, then he comes back and gets me on Sunday.
But this year I am sure that I won't be staying. If there is going to be a meeting place we would love to be there to meet everyone! Hope to see some of you there...
We are planning on bringing a few this year, so hope to meet some of you. I have certainly enjoyed meeting several of you that came and introduced yourselves. It is great being able to put faces with names! See ya there! Lavonne

We will have a sign up clipboard again this year for all the members. It has your forum name, real name, farm name and what barn you are in and stall numbers. I will also try to get a map this year as lots of people did not know which barn was which (including me). You can always find me either at my booth or at Larry Parnell Stables (where my horses are).

If someone wants to set up a meeting - we can post the information and/or if you tell me a head of time I can make up flyers to give members when they come by to sign up or look for people.

Look forward to seeing everyone again in September.

Lisa - Ozark
I have found a really cheap airline ticket so I am thinking........



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