Well-Known Member
(Let me start this post off by saying that if you can not say anything positive to me, please do not respond, because 1) I am an adult who can and will make the decisions I feel are best for me and 2) I am too happy to let anything negative get in the way of that happiness anyway)
Some of this kind of a repeat of my last post, so bear with me
Until 2 weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed, sad, stressed out, pressured, and just not in the Christmas spirit at all!! I wanted the whole season to disappear (which is very unlike me since I LOVE the holiday normally). My life was not in a good place and altho I have been taking actions to change my life for the better, it just wasnt happening for me. As you know (most of you), I had sold all my horses, so that was really a life changing experience and I do still deal with that often, but I do have days when I dream of the future and somehow I would have a chance to own another horse. My job is "old" and I have been needing a change from that for awhile now and I know the right job is out there somewhere, it just hasnt turned up yet and in the meantime, I do try to make the best of the job I have. Financially, due to the child dupport system we have, has made my life heII, because I am struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis...and with the holidays here, it just made things even more stressful! Lastly, I had ended a very toxic relationship in August and while I learned a great deal from that experience, I was not ready to really put much effort into a new, exclusive relationship...and I dated several different people, just no connections. I said in my earlier post, I met someone recently who I was really falling for HARD!! It was like BAMMMM.....knock me down with a feather!! Let me tell you alittle about Tracy. She is from the NW (grew up in Salem), so has roots here, is currently living in DC working for the govt. (Army), but even before we met, she wanted to move back to the NW, because this is "home" to her, so she'd been applying for jobs out here. Well, we started talking (and when I say talking, I mean HOURS and HOURS (one day alone we talked for 10 hours on the phone, not including talking online and text messaging!!). We both felt such a STRONG connection with each other from the beginning...It just felt so right, like a hand into a glove fit! We made plans to meet over the New years holiday, which was wonderful and exciting in itself, but she was still wanting to move here...Well, last Friday, she got hired to a job in Portland (she will be working for the state of Oregon) and will be moved here by Jan12!!! She will still be coming here over New Years, so we can meet...but most important and exciting of all is she will be living with me!! (yes, you heard that Most of you are probably thinging I am totally nuts and have gone off the deep end, but not at all!! Everything that has been "wrong" in my life is on the upswing because Tracy came into my life!!! We have already discussed so many things that we want for our future...her job allows domestic partners on their medical insurance, so she will be putting me on hers (Ive been without insurance for years and that was another big issue in my life, because of my age and I really need to go to the Dr). Altho I do need to still work for awhile, our eventual plan is to open a business and have me run it from home. We also will be saving for a home on 1-2 acres (thats all we both want), so we can have 2 horses...YAY!!
Moving too fast?? Im not sure if "too fast" is the right word(s)...because when you meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want it to start now!!
There is not one thing I can say that I do not like (love) about her...she is smart, funny, romantic, compassionate, giving, talented (sings and is "artsy"), caring, honest, secure, sensitive, and sooo sooo many more things...she is just amazing!!
I am soooo very happy now...Its Christmas day and I have my Christmas dream come true...WOW!!!!
(special thanks and hugs to Ashley, Lyn and know why!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Until 2 weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed, sad, stressed out, pressured, and just not in the Christmas spirit at all!! I wanted the whole season to disappear (which is very unlike me since I LOVE the holiday normally). My life was not in a good place and altho I have been taking actions to change my life for the better, it just wasnt happening for me. As you know (most of you), I had sold all my horses, so that was really a life changing experience and I do still deal with that often, but I do have days when I dream of the future and somehow I would have a chance to own another horse. My job is "old" and I have been needing a change from that for awhile now and I know the right job is out there somewhere, it just hasnt turned up yet and in the meantime, I do try to make the best of the job I have. Financially, due to the child dupport system we have, has made my life heII, because I am struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis...and with the holidays here, it just made things even more stressful! Lastly, I had ended a very toxic relationship in August and while I learned a great deal from that experience, I was not ready to really put much effort into a new, exclusive relationship...and I dated several different people, just no connections. I said in my earlier post, I met someone recently who I was really falling for HARD!! It was like BAMMMM.....knock me down with a feather!! Let me tell you alittle about Tracy. She is from the NW (grew up in Salem), so has roots here, is currently living in DC working for the govt. (Army), but even before we met, she wanted to move back to the NW, because this is "home" to her, so she'd been applying for jobs out here. Well, we started talking (and when I say talking, I mean HOURS and HOURS (one day alone we talked for 10 hours on the phone, not including talking online and text messaging!!). We both felt such a STRONG connection with each other from the beginning...It just felt so right, like a hand into a glove fit! We made plans to meet over the New years holiday, which was wonderful and exciting in itself, but she was still wanting to move here...Well, last Friday, she got hired to a job in Portland (she will be working for the state of Oregon) and will be moved here by Jan12!!! She will still be coming here over New Years, so we can meet...but most important and exciting of all is she will be living with me!! (yes, you heard that Most of you are probably thinging I am totally nuts and have gone off the deep end, but not at all!! Everything that has been "wrong" in my life is on the upswing because Tracy came into my life!!! We have already discussed so many things that we want for our future...her job allows domestic partners on their medical insurance, so she will be putting me on hers (Ive been without insurance for years and that was another big issue in my life, because of my age and I really need to go to the Dr). Altho I do need to still work for awhile, our eventual plan is to open a business and have me run it from home. We also will be saving for a home on 1-2 acres (thats all we both want), so we can have 2 horses...YAY!!
Moving too fast?? Im not sure if "too fast" is the right word(s)...because when you meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want it to start now!!
There is not one thing I can say that I do not like (love) about her...she is smart, funny, romantic, compassionate, giving, talented (sings and is "artsy"), caring, honest, secure, sensitive, and sooo sooo many more things...she is just amazing!!
I am soooo very happy now...Its Christmas day and I have my Christmas dream come true...WOW!!!!

(special thanks and hugs to Ashley, Lyn and know why!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!