vickie gee
Well-Known Member
Ya'll are probably right about the no poll. Let's face it, the Back Porch got about as interesting as watching paint dry. And in spite of being from the South, considering myself a lady, and more closely aligned with the Tea Party or Libertarians than the rinos or libs, and being very opinionated, I have to admit I miss the friendly banter. I do feel the majority of contributors have moved on and the forum is basically in sleep mode. But as I said, I have little time due to where I am in life presently to post much. I do wish Debby and the mods the best of luck, no matter what decision they make. I know that their jobs had to make them feel like day care providers at different times when someone is posting in a manner disguised as particles from outer space in order to conceal their identity or true agenda. Also, they had to deal with name calling, videos filled with hate, f-bombs, and various other stuff that was spineless. I have to admit that I miss having the time to post articles that should get all our attention, no matter where you stand religiously or politically. We are all facing surviving financially and trying to live a life free from enslavement and have free choice as to how we ensure our health, well being, and happiness. I am a firm believer in standing for what you believe in, as most of you know. I also believe you should be mature and polite about it. I know that in the past I have surely stepped on some toes but I rest assured that I did not break any toes. LB is a great place and we should all strive to have the integrity of it preserved. I hope others will step up and put some life back into the discussions and be brave while at the same time keeping it respectful.
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