Has anybody transferred a You Tube video to an Ipod? I searched for instructions and most instructions required that you download this or that program. I am a little nervous about just downloading any ole .exe file.
All you have to do, is go to the video you want, copy the url, past it into the covert direct site(where it says to) go to step 2, whichc is to download the orginal FLV(video) and then to step 3, which is picking the format you want it in, I usually pick just music, so no video part. Then, type in your email and hit submit.
When te video has been converted, it will send it in an email from covert direct!
yep, you just select that you want the vdieo format(I use DIvX) & MP3(which will give you sound) and presto, you have a video. And if you don't have DivX, there are many different formats to choose from, so look around the selection(one you try the site the directions will make more sense
hmm, now the transfer im not sure about, as I have a mp3 player(sansa fuze) and you just drag and drop MP3 files onto it. Could you do such thing as that for going into itunes, then bring it onto your ipod. I can ask my brother, hes a real techie!
I downloaded it in the MP4 for Ipdod. It is now in quicktime as an MPEG-4 Movie. I put it into my Itunes, but can't get it to do anything from there. Arrggg! I just want one little video, how can this be so hard! :arg!
No prob, I have probably downloaded 100+ songs & videos with this as I always found my music downloader would break up, lose connection, didn't have the songs
I'm old and didn't understand a word of what was written here.
I'm just wondering, though, if you have to buy the video like you would pay for a song off ITunes. If not, then I'll show this thread to my daughter who knows waaaay more about this stuff than I ever will!