Your Experienced With White Milk

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Little Wolf Ranch

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Roebuck, SC
I have a darling mare who I am watching right now - and I would like to know your experiences with your mares getting white milk?

I know not many horses get the "white milk" that looks like the whole cows milk straight out of the jug but my girl has had it since 8AM this morning. Last night she had SUPER THICK yellow honey like milk and tested 6.8ph and this morning it is white milk and is testing just at 6.2ph.

The only other mare I had that had the white milk foaled about 9 hours later......what are your experiences?

Just on a side note: She is in her stall with the camera on her as well as a breeder alert pager.
I had white milk the night they foaled! It was always the same--yellow but not too sticky, then yellow and sticky, then once skim milk appeared--the foal arrived that night.

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