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  1. Ferrah

    Teenage Angst...Just Bear With Me While I Vent

    I am 19 years old and I am trying to enjoy my last (*sniff*) year of being a teenager. Since all my friends are out of town, I figured I need to tell someone! So here we are. So, I want to get out the last of my teenage angst and hopefully I can get some advice from those of you wiser than...
  2. Ferrah

    Special Video I Made

    I made this special video. I am not entirely sure if it is appropriate to post as it is hard for even me to watch, and I made it. I made it to honor Marty's Michael. I wanted to be able to memorialize him in some way, and this how I did it. I hope it is ok to post this.
  3. Ferrah

    What's Wrong With Cinny?

    My big horse Ferrah has sees the acupuncturist quite often, and it never occured to me until now to give her a call (d'oh!). Will she be able to tell if I need a chiropractor for Cinny or not? I will ask. Are there any other exams I can ask my vet to give Cinny? Is there anything I can give...
  4. Ferrah

    So was Santa good to you?

    I had a nice Christmas this year: Horse & Rider Subscription Horse PJs Ice Age: The Meltdown DVD Pirates 2 DVD 11 Horse Books Socks...lots and lots and lots of socks...that are only going to be eaten by the sock eating dryer in a week. $200 to spend at the local tack store and a iPod...
  5. Ferrah

    What to do.

    Here is a list of things I did when I started saving for my first horse: -Babysat -Sold friendship bracelets and macremae necklaces -Did pet/people portraits in graphite, watercolor, pencil crayon ect ect -House/Pet/Horse Sitting -Got a job at McDonald's -Did a newspaper route -Delivered...
  6. Ferrah

    What's Wrong With Cinny?

    My 1 1/2 year old Miniature gelding Cinnabar is not acting himself so I am asking for help. He is normally a happy go lucky sort of little guy. But lately he has been laying his ears back, and acting sullen, sour, and grumpy. He doesn't want to play with his brother, which is not like him at...
  7. Ferrah

    Training the weanlings/yr to trot on lead

    Before I start with teaching the trot I make sure they are consistently leading at a walk great. That means, no pushing pulling, ect. They should walk easily beside me, not too far ahead, not too far behind, and so they are not pulling back or trying to pull ahead. Like mentioned before they...
  8. Ferrah

    What is your worst Horsey Accident????

    My Arab/QH mares Ferrah without warning, sumersaulted on top of me when we were cantering. I was thrown into the arena wall, my helmet cracked in two and I had a cuncussion. When jumping 3'6 Ferrah caught a leg over a rail, and fell on me. I wasn't badly hurt, but I sure was shook up and both...
  9. Ferrah

    I made a horsie video!

    Thanks everyone, I had a lot of fun making them.
  10. Ferrah

    I made a horsie video!

    I made a video of my Miniature Horse Spyder. I uploaded it to You Tube to share with everyone: I can make these movies for anyone who wants one to post on their website, or just to enjoy at home! Happy Holidays Everyone!
  11. Ferrah

    what is the funniest typo you ever made?

    A lot of times I leave the "s" out of the word horse. :
  12. Ferrah

    When Do You Stop?

    I got some flak today from some horse people for riding my Arab/QH mare. Ferrah is about 23 years old, she's fat, sassy and healthy. I ride Ferrah everyday except Mondays and sometimes Sundays. Up until last year we competed in hunters and dressage. Now I have retired her from the show ring...
  13. Ferrah

    Lets see YOU!

    I always look like a collossal idiot in pictures. Here are some of my best. Me and my boy Cinny Me and my "other" boy Alex Thats all I care to torture you with...for now.
  14. Ferrah

    Fun Picture I Wanted To Share

    Here is a picture from our August fair, which I found and I really wanted to share it with you all. Its is a picture of my 29 1/2" gelding Cinnabar, with a HUGE (who knows how tall!) Percheron named Itchy. Does anyone else have a picture of their Mini with a draft horse? These types of...
  15. Ferrah

    Someone needs to stop me from going to horse sales...

    I have retrained two off the track TBs (with supervision) and here is my best advice to you: -Give her a break, which you are already planning -Start training her like she has never been ridden before -I did lots of ground driving with the two I retrained before I ever got on -When you do...
  16. Ferrah

    Neat sight defining your totem

    I am a bear. Close second and third is Dog and Bull
  17. Ferrah

    Tattoos --

    How badly does it hurt to get a tattoo? What is the pain comparable to? I was thinking of getting a horse related tattoo after I return from farrier school.
  18. Ferrah

    4-H Achievement Fair

    Thank you I'm very proud of my two horses. I think we accomplished a lot together.
  19. Ferrah

    4-H Achievement Fair

    We had our 4-H Achievement Fair in conjunction with out local fall fair. Its basically five dayd of stress (the fun kind), showing and fun. I always love doing the fair because lots of people come through who have never petted a sheep, or a Miniature Horse or a bunny before. So its nice to...
  20. Ferrah


    My yearling Miniature horse Cinnabar is sick. I was bathing him for our show which is in two days so I can clip him. I let him stand to dry and without thinking I left a bucket of soapy water. Cinnabar drank about half the bucket of soapy water. He is now standing in his pen. He is very...