Ok Guys;
Im 15 years old and I need to make some money to pay for my horse habit
: What would you do to make money if you were my age other than applying somewhere see thats my problem.. Im not aloud to get a job at say Shoppers Drugmart or the grocery store right now so I have to get creative :bgrin I have been selling a few extra horsey items I have around. Its not that my parents dont want to help but me adding on leasing a second horse ahah thats my problem! And I have this other one in mind.. If I want another horse I have to work for it and pay on my own and I really want to persue this because I love it so much and you know you cant just have one haha. I have been told I have a talent with making webpages and I love making horsey ones. (My Webpage ) and (www.littlefootfarm.com) . But since Im a youth I feel like I shouldnt be offering this out to people and making them pay. yes yes I know most webpage designers charge money lol. But I feel wrong taking money as a youth even if there is alot of work put into making a webpage with Codes and personalizing the banner exc;. What creative thing could I do. Hope for some input! Just a Little post to get some ideas in my head .
Im 15 years old and I need to make some money to pay for my horse habit

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