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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Ok Guys;

Im 15 years old and I need to make some money to pay for my horse habit
: What would you do to make money if you were my age other than applying somewhere see thats my problem.. Im not aloud to get a job at say Shoppers Drugmart or the grocery store right now so I have to get creative :bgrin I have been selling a few extra horsey items I have around. Its not that my parents dont want to help but me adding on leasing a second horse ahah thats my problem! And I have this other one in mind.. If I want another horse I have to work for it and pay on my own and I really want to persue this because I love it so much and you know you cant just have one haha. I have been told I have a talent with making webpages and I love making horsey ones. (My Webpage ) and (www.littlefootfarm.com) . But since Im a youth I feel like I shouldnt be offering this out to people and making them pay. yes yes I know most webpage designers charge money lol. But I feel wrong taking money as a youth even if there is alot of work put into making a webpage with Codes and personalizing the banner exc;. What creative thing could I do. Hope for some input! Just a Little post to get some ideas in my head .
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At your age I supported my big horse habit by babysitting. I didn't have very many weekend evenings to myself but I made enough to buy the feed so my parents didn't have to.
How crafty are you? You could find something easy to make and try selling it?? I am having a hard time trying to think of things.. But I'll put on my thinking cap.. When I was 15 I had two jobs plus school. I worked at a corner store and as a waitress.. But I didn't have horses.. My mom put it into us to work hard at an early age.. I'll keep thinking!!!
I make those Rhinestone halters on my Sales page. But I only make about $6 on each.. Because shipping to the states is about $12 I charge 20 and hate asking people for the actual $12 Shipping cost :lol:
How about dog walking, pet sitting and/or a dog doo pickup service? Actually, it all ties in together if you love animals and most people love to spoil their pets ($$$).

*When I was too young to get a real job, I used to do laundry and housecleaning, would rake leaves and babysit for people my mother approved of.
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Good Ideas :bgrin Anyone know what the rates are for webpages? If I did that I would only do 2 or 3 and charge like 1/4 of the normal price
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I once had a young lady do a website for me who only charged $100. It was very professional looking as she used a good website building program with templates and published my site to my own domain address which I paid for through godaddy.com. My site had about five pages of text with pictures that I supplied and updates were I believe $20.
to pay for my guys, i 'horsesit. ' i take care of other peoples horses while they are on vacation, showing other horses, sick, out of town...etc. i get $5 a day / horse, and i do exercise and feed. i normally make several hundred dollars a month, as one of my clients is a girl not much older than me, but she goes to boarding school, so i had her horses 5 days a week. this is how i baught Ghost, alll by myself with money i earned from taking care of other horses. and once you get some people who trust you with their horse, they tell everyone! that's how i got 10 horses a day at one point (summer job)!

now that i am back in school, i only have two horses i do, it still rolls in around 30 a month. i also walked one lady's three dogs to help pay board. and one summer i worked in the stable sadling horses, grooming, and bathing the lesson horses.

and on the side i make batches of horse cookies and sell them for a few bucks a bag.

just be creative, i know you'll think of something, Dev!!
I once had a young lady do a website for me who only charged $100. It was very professional looking as she used a good website building program with templates and published my site to my own domain address which I paid for through godaddy.com. My site had about five pages of text with pictures that I supplied and updates were I believe $20.
Is $100 cheap for Webpage design?? I don't think I would charge extra for updates
I think it would be $150 for the year; free updates too and as many photos and pages as you would want. It doesnt feel right Charging for something you like doing hehe. I don't know what are your thought on my webpages? i had it on the main forum and got alot of Great input.
Well, I consider $100. plus update charges cheap for web design IF the site looks professionally done and isn't located at www.somethingfreeblahblahblah.com/yadayada.etc with a bunch of ads everywhere. The two websites I have had previously were to advertise my kennels so I wanted them to be top notch. The first one I did myself and it took me HOURS every week, so paying for the second was worth it.

If I were you, I would put a cap on how many webpages you'll put together and pictures you'll accept for a site for X dollars and charge for updates. Even if you love what you do, your time and labor should be worth something. There are many ways to let your customers know how much they are appreciated, but don't cut yourself short. Of course it's not all about money, but it's not fair for you to be sitting around doing a bunch of 10 plus page websites that are photo intense for a measly fee. For the price you're talking about charging, you're already doing your customers a favor! Make an Emailable ad to put out for your services to explain what you do, what you offer and give examples. I'm sure you'll have several offers soon from right here!
When I was 15 I made extra money working at the polo fields exercising the horses. Are there places near you where you can make exta money either horse sitting, hot walking, cleaning stalls, cleaning tack, etc?

Liz R.
Here is a list of things I did when I started saving for my first horse:


-Sold friendship bracelets and macremae necklaces

-Did pet/people portraits in graphite, watercolor, pencil crayon ect ect

-House/Pet/Horse Sitting

-Got a job at McDonald's

-Did a newspaper route

-Delivered phonebooks

-Mowed lawns

-Raked leaves

-Showed my neighbors how to use the computer

-Did a concession with my friends at a horse show

-Asked for money for the "horse fund" at Christmas/Birthdays

-Did extra jobs around the house for a few extra dollars

Within a year and a half of hard work and a lot dedicated saving I had enough money to buy my first horse, buy all her equipment, pay for her board for six months...and I had enough left over to buy my two Miniature Horses.

I did an insane amount of work to pursue something I loved. If you want it bad enough..you find a way.

Now I have to start all over again so I can go to college!

I did so many things to buy the horse I leased Wee Man when he was put up for sale. I couldnt imagine someone else owning him lol.
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Devon, if you area already stressed out about being able to pay for Wee Man, I wouldn't even consider leasing another horse (which you mentioned doing in your first post).
I would love to have you down here, we can always use extra help on the farm- stall cleaning, fixing fences, that sort of stuff. We had one young lady pay off her horse by babysitting ours when we went away for shows and stuff. Took a year, but they did it!

I was chatting with Linda (LGahr on the forum) the other day and she gave me a wonderful idea and i think it might be good for you too. When she was younger she put up add's around locally and offered to go to horse owners barns or house and teach them how to groom pick hooves and just teach them about horses, Specifically new to horse people. Teach them about why its important to have hooves trimmed propperly regularly, how to saddle/harness propperly, lead, lunge ext. People would pay money for it by hour or session. I'm hoping to start this up pretty soon myself and put some add's up around here locally. Offer a discount to 4H kids (if Canada has 4H, i'm not sure lol). I think Linda said she got $15/hr back in the day but now gas has gone up ext.

Goodluck, i need a job agian too so i can save up some extra money for Natl and Congress :lol:
Hi Devon. If you want to do websites for other people and use yours and an example, you absolutely must have yours perfect. NO spelling or grammatical mistakes. No incorrect use of punctuation, etc. I know the issue of spelling has been discussed on her ad nauseum but, to look professional, it must be perfect. I really like your site otherwise.

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