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  1. Ferrah

    Some new photos of my buckskin girl

    Gorgeous! What a lovely golden buckskin color, you don't see many minis such a rich color buckskin. Love her forelock too!
  2. Ferrah

    Sierra Dawn Unos Bugattie

    Wow, look at that trot! Just gorgeous.
  3. Ferrah

    New horses for Siempre Miniatures!

    Congratulations on your new horses! They are both very beautiful!
  4. Ferrah

    Lucky C Acres is excited to introduce...

    So cute, love his pink lips
  5. Ferrah


    I just finished showing a horse I leased this show season at a AMHR.AMHA show and I remembered just how fun it is to show the minis. Alsmot tw years ago I sold my two geldings Spyder and Cinnabar to buy a new show horse. While I was searching for my new horse I became enamored with the sport...
  6. Ferrah

    First Reining Show With My Big Horsie :)

    I bought this mare last year as an unstarted long two year old. A year later we were at a reining show! Maddie is a 4 year old QH X Haflinger mare. She is my first start to finish training project. Just wanted to share some pictures of the event because I had a BLAST!
  7. Ferrah

    Do I imagine it..

    No, you're not crazy! If you've been training properly and carefully your horse will soon build enough strength and self carriage to be able to transfer weight to the hind quarter and get that wonderful lift and lightness in the shoulders. Something that sadly isn't seen much in driving minis...
  8. Ferrah

    AUGH! Venting

    So I need to vent! I'm a dog groomer and work in a dog grooming shop with four other groomers. Two of the groomers almost always go home early without staying to help clean up leaving the other groomers to stay behind and pick up the slack. I am guilty of the same thing, but far more often...
  9. Ferrah

    Wow...I thought my horses were bomb proof. I found this post on Youtube and I have to say I am impr

    I agree that it was awesome to watch and I admire the patience and training it takes to train horses to be so tolerant, but I can't be the only one who thinks some of the situations they put those horses in were unnecessary and some of them were even downright dangerous.
  10. Ferrah

    The Connection

    Here is a movie about me and my horse that I made for a contest on Youtube I would love it if you guys watched it and let me know what you think. (Warning...its sappy!) I would also appreciate if you would rate it and/or leave a comment so I know who visited! Thanks guys!
  11. Ferrah

    Dangers of driving-risk assessment

    Maybe it's because I'm young, but my view on the matter is that I am just as likely to get hurt, injured or die just by getting out of bed in the morning. I'm not going to stop doing what I love and what I was born to do just because there is a chance I might get hurt. If I lived with this...
  12. Ferrah

    Do you trot on pavement?

    I will only walk on pavement. I don't like to run on pavement (and I wear shoes!), so I don't think I should make my horse run on pavement either.
  13. Ferrah

    Discussion topic: Starting horses at two years old

    This can be a tough question... I personally start driving horses at two years old. I start the training in the spring of their two year old year. I get the started ground driving and will drive them from the ground in a cart. I will then get in the cart maybe two or three times in the fall...
  14. Ferrah

    Meet Maddie! (Fun Video)

    This is my new (since October) 3 year old Haflinger mare that I started myself. She's an amazing horse and I hope we have many happy years together! This is Maddie having fun in the outdoor arena: I will have some footage of me riding her soon
  15. Ferrah to get them light

    I did a lot of long and low exercises with my horses. I also did a lot of correct bending. If the horse leaned I "bumped" them off the bit and drove them forward. If they didn't back off, I'd put them into a circle and do some bending. The most important part of this exercise is the release...
  16. Ferrah

    I went to the....

    The rhino is my favorite! He looks so cute!
  17. Ferrah

    My pride & joy Maddie!

    Some of you may remember me buying a Quarter Horse X Haflinger filly named Maddie back in October as an unbroke, virtually untouched three year old filly! It's been a long road getting her broke! After getting her very basics down, I sent her to a reining trainer to get some more miles as well...
  18. Ferrah

    Mini Video "Tricky"

    I made this video of my Miniature Horses! Enjoy!
  19. Ferrah

    How to bury son's and dogs ashes on property?

    We sell urns at the pet/tack store I work at (we're right next to a vet). I guess pet urns are a lot cheaper! We hace really pretty metal ones where the lid screws on. I don't think they would leak, they seal really tight and the urns are really well made. We only sell outs for $90 and thats...
  20. Ferrah

    Just curious about beet pulp in feed programs...

    I used to feed it with the belief that it would keep "hay bellies" off my show horses. After reading lots of equine nutrition books and talking to some equine nutritionists, I have now switched to just the highest quality hay I can get. My horses love to be able to chew on more than just a few...