Do I imagine it..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Suffield, CT
I rode dressage for several years so I think I know the feeling when the horse is on the bit and engaged and they seem to lighten up and almost bounce over the ground. Probably not saying it well, but I thought I knew the feeling. Well, I felt more or less the same thing yesterday when driving Princess, after doing several circles and figure eights. It felt WONDERFUL!! Or... am I hallucinating??? Am I feeling what I think I am?? On the other hand, does everyone else feel this all the time and I am just waking up to it??? Princess seemed especially round and energetic, and from what I could see LOOKED great too.

Whatever it was, I can't wait to get that feeling again. Oh, wait, that sounds like an addiction...
No, you're not crazy! If you've been training properly and carefully your horse will soon build enough strength and self carriage to be able to transfer weight to the hind quarter and get that wonderful lift and lightness in the shoulders. Something that sadly isn't seen much in driving minis! Good job
Thank you Ferrah!! Glad I am not going crazy. I have taken things slowly with our driving minis and based the training on things I learned with ridden dressage and from books I read on the subject. Princess is 6 now and has been driven since she was 3. She was a bit of a challenge and wasn't hooked until July of her 3 year old year. Now I need to reassess which AMHA driving class to put her in. I was going to put her in Classic and Ruby in Country, but now I think I might switch them. As she gets lighter in front, and gets more on the bit, her head is coming up nicely too.
I would feel that too with my driving buddy. We took the driving slow, and really got him fit and ready for driving. When we got him into a nice extended trot , he just glided, it was so smooth , then around the corners he collected himself nicely... his transitions were so smooth , and felt wonderful. I had a very expierenced trainer that really took his time with Blackie. it was a great feeling, I remember feeling exillerated after a good workout with him. I miss driving him, he was awsome.
That's the way it ought to be.
We always think they're going nicely until the first time they truly get their rears under them and then nothing else compares! It's a total high and I'm completely addicted to it.

When they get their rears under them, and lift their front ends, it is a wonderful feeling!!

Unfortunately, one does not see too many Minis using their rears. I was working my horse in the arena one day a few years ago and a top trainer stopped me and told me that I had to level him out, that I had him on his rear too much.... Say What?

I had always been trained to get the horse back on it rear to get the front end up.

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