Well-Known Member
and our first Oak Parks Oh Im Awesome baby! Handsome black pinto colt born this morning between 5:30-6 am, while I was on my way to work, got to work about 10-15 minutes and got a call from mom saying we had a baby!
He's adorable, oh so friendly yet ornery/all boy.. Can't wait to see how he unfolds!
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Oh how I love this pic!
Doc's 4 for 4 on boys, hoping my second mare (that looks like she's going to pop and I don't expect her to hold off much longer since today is her due date and there's the new baby in the barn) gives me the first Doc filly..
No name yet, my sister did find a cute possible farm name but not sure how we can play on it for a reg name.. The Brazilian Tango (his momma's name is Tango) is called Maxixe, so she was thinking calling him Max for a barn name, but would somehow need a reg. name with LCA's Oh to play along with it..
OH! And the winner of our foaling contest for Tango is....
JUDY MOORE of Willow-Roc Miniatures! Judy you have an email from me, can't wait to see who you pick for your Kaitlin Stone Caricature!

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Oh how I love this pic!

Doc's 4 for 4 on boys, hoping my second mare (that looks like she's going to pop and I don't expect her to hold off much longer since today is her due date and there's the new baby in the barn) gives me the first Doc filly..
No name yet, my sister did find a cute possible farm name but not sure how we can play on it for a reg name.. The Brazilian Tango (his momma's name is Tango) is called Maxixe, so she was thinking calling him Max for a barn name, but would somehow need a reg. name with LCA's Oh to play along with it..
OH! And the winner of our foaling contest for Tango is....
JUDY MOORE of Willow-Roc Miniatures! Judy you have an email from me, can't wait to see who you pick for your Kaitlin Stone Caricature!