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  1. Ferrah

    Ryuki (sp?) goldfish and nasty "ick"

    Goldfish need 10 gallons per fish because they are extremely dirty fish. Fish just living in a bowl or smaller space never live as long or grow as big as they should. Most regular comet goldfish will grow to 10" or 12" and fancy goldfish will grow to 6" to 10". Living in a bowl or too small a...
  2. Ferrah

    Ryuki (sp?) goldfish and nasty "ick"

    I start my tanks with salt in them. But I don't start adding salt until I have had the fish 24 hours. I do the salt treatment for five days, then I stop using the salt and slowly get rid of it with regular water changes. Goldfish are actually higher maintenace than most people realize and...
  3. Ferrah

    Ryuki (sp?) goldfish and nasty "ick"

    Yeah you will have to empty out the stuff you already put in the tank. Good luck!
  4. Ferrah

    Ryuki (sp?) goldfish and nasty "ick"

    Throw away the over the counter ick cure. Just use regular plain salt with no additives at all. Here is a thread I copied from a goldfish forum. I have treated my own goldfish very successfully using this method, and it works way better than anything you can buy over the counter: Hi...
  5. Ferrah

    Help Naming? :-)

    I'd call him Ted or Rusty,.
  6. Ferrah

    Helpful Tips?

    Hair spray. I will never be without it. Works like magic to take off black hoof polish if you accidentally get it on your horses legs.
  7. Ferrah

    Animal Communication

    I know you have quite a lot to do, but I was hoping you could do these guys for me? Turbo: Ferrah: Spyder: Cinnabar:
  8. Ferrah

    Anyone used a Reinsman bit?

    I've used the Reinsman bits, but I use the half cheek copper mouth. The loose rings can pinch because they don't come in enough sizes to fit truly properly, at least thats what I found. I really like the half cheek version of the same bit though.
  9. Ferrah

    Olds & Armstrong Mini Shows!

    In the beginning and of June and the first part of July I went to the Olds and the Armstrong Miniature Horse shows with Spyder and Cinnabar and I had a GREAT time. It was the first year they had ever put on the Olds show and it was really, really great. Although it was a really long drive for...
  10. Ferrah

    Show Us Your ONE Favorite PICTURE

    This is my most favorite: I think it just captures th eunique personality and spirit of my little Cinny. I'll be the first to say that this little guy is just weird and a whole lot of fun. And here is another I like just as much: This is me and Cinny in showmanship at our 4-H fair...
  11. Ferrah

    What if??? you ate ivermectin paste

    ha ha! I was jsut going to deworm my horses and I started reading the label and it doesn't say anything about what happens if you eat I started to wonder.
  12. Ferrah

    What if??? you ate ivermectin paste

    What if you accicentally ate ivermectin paste for horses??? Not that I ever have or will, I was just wondering what would happen, besdies the obvious of deworming yourself...ha! I just wondered if it was poisonous or what.
  13. Ferrah

    Ideas for Displaying Neck Sashes?

    My mom uses my neck sashes from when I showed QHs. She uses them to tie back the curtains. I used all my flat ribbons to make frames to show off pictures of my horses. The rest I used as borders in scrapbook albums.
  14. Ferrah

    AMHR Show Question

    Does it make a difference if the horse is permanently registered in the A division?
  15. Ferrah

    AMHR Show Question

    If you have a horse registered in the A division, but they measure at the show in the B division, what happens?
  16. Ferrah

    Would You...

    If you owned this horse and were taking him to an AMHA show, would you razor him? Just asking for opinions before I decide how I am going to groom him for the show. Thanks bunches!
  17. Ferrah

    May Day Parade

    Yesterday was our May Day parade and I had SO much fun! I was in the 4-H float with my gelding Spyder and my friend Jessica who is using Cinnabar as her 4-H project this year. Me and Spyder...I look grumpy! The 4-H Float Me and Jessica waiting for the parade to start. Waiting in...
  18. Ferrah

    OMG been looking for a show cart the prices

    Wow, I just bought my Jerald for $2300, it was the last one they had in stock at the store, after that they said the prices were going up.
  19. Ferrah

    I'm beyond desperate!!!

    If the eye is just watery the suggestions above will probably help your poor guy out. I have had many rabbits that have had teary and watery eyes. After some treatment they were all ok. If the eye has pusy discharge from it I would be a little more worried. He could have snuffles as this...
  20. Ferrah

    Need help with a show halter

    When you use tacky glue, the trick is to get it really tacky before you stick on the heart. So move the heart around in the glue on the spot you want it until it gets hard to move the heart, then move it to its permanent position and dries pretty fast too. Then wipe away any excess...