Anyone used a Reinsman bit?

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I've used the Reinsman bits, but I use the half cheek copper mouth. The loose rings can pinch because they don't come in enough sizes to fit truly properly, at least thats what I found. I really like the half cheek version of the same bit though.
I have not used this bit, like Ferrah said I'ld worry about the rings pinching, but maybe the half cheek one that Ferrah suggested is nicer? I'm guessing this is the one you have Ferrah? LINK It looks like a nice bit.

I have the exact same one that Farrah uses.
: I haven't used it yet...but had to buy it because I am a confirmed "bitaholic". :bgrin It is a very well made bit, but I just so seldom have any need or use for a single-jointed snaffle...not my favorite at all.
If using a snaffle bit, I always prefer a half cheek over the loose ring. I guess I am prejudiced against them because one of my big riding horses constantly turned his head to go back home, and I noticed that if I pulled his head around I would sometimes almost be pulling the ring right into his mouth. This doesn't happen with a full cheek or half cheek. I eventually went to a bitless bridle with him and liked that best of all!

I am just starting to work with my minis on driving, and I have purchased the half cheek snaffle bits, and I believe mine are Reinsman as well.

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