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  1. Ferrah

    Quick showing questions

    Thanks! I will get her to apply for a membership.
  2. Ferrah

    Quick showing questions

    How much is a youth membership card? Do you have to pay the youth membership fee for the AMHA and then get your card? Or can you just apply for a number?
  3. Ferrah

    Quick showing questions

    If you are a youth can you show a horse in AMHA or AMHR and not be a member? If you are a youth is it acceptable to show a horse not owned by you or your family? If you show in amateur can you show a horse in amateur or open that is not owned by you?
  4. Ferrah

    AMHA Shows, heights

    I live in Canada, and on the form it said that the rush fees were US only. Is it still possible to rush the papers even to Canada?
  5. Ferrah

    I would like to be a judge

    I am also interested in becoming an AMHA and AMHR judge, but I know that goal is a long way off. I read the AMHR and AMHA rules for judges and it will require lots fo work, and study, many years of showing and as I found out...quite a lot of money. I will probably be an old fart by the time I...
  6. Ferrah

    No Respect

    At the barn where I have to ride a short distance (maybe 10 minutes) on the road to the trail head. I always stay off to the side of the road leaving plenty of room for drivers. So why do they feel the need to race right up behind my horse going at least 80 km/hour swerve around her and ZOOM...
  7. Ferrah

    What Gives?

    I haven't been trying to ask Spyder to extend yet, but your suggestions are all very good and I will start experiementing a bit to try and see what the problem is. Other than this, he really is a good boy.
  8. Ferrah

    AMHA Shows, heights

    I was filling out some entry froms for a show I am going to in June, and I decided to measure my horse. He measured right at 34" at his last show as a two year old in August. Anyway, I measured him tonight, and sometimes he measures at 33.75, sometimes 34" and sometimes 34".5. He does need a...
  9. Ferrah

    What Gives?

    I didn't mean that I didn't appreciate your suggestion. I do appreciate your suggestion, I just have also been trying the half halts and I haven't seen an improvement in it. I didn't mean to come off sounding as if I didn't appreciate it. Sorry.
  10. Ferrah

    What Gives?

    I have been doing half halts everytime he does it and I have not yet seen any improvment.
  11. Ferrah

    What Gives?

    After adjusting my harness and cart to where I was satisfied I have finally started driving Spyder. He has been a good boy just like I knew he would. I have driven him about 10 times now and he has done really great, save for one thing, he has a really annoying habit of trying to transition...
  12. Ferrah

    Which horse would you enter in halter??

    I am filling out my entry forms for some shows right now and I need some good advice. Since I am the only one able to show my two horses, I need honest opinions on which horse I should enter in the most halter classes. I will be entering both of them in halter classes, but I want to know...
  13. Ferrah

    Is this normal behavior?

    My two geldings Spyder and Cinnabar do it all the time. They like to do it the most when there is non horsey company over. :lol:
  14. Ferrah

    How much is this horse worth?

    Here are some pitcures of him. I am not planning on selling him, I just need to know his value so I can enter it in my 4-H project book.
  15. Ferrah

    How much is this horse worth?

    He is an average colored, average bred gelding. I don't like calling my own horse average, but that is basically what he is.
  16. Ferrah

    How much is this horse worth?

    I am finishing a 4-H horse project record book and we have to appraise our own horses. I am having trouble deciding how much my horse is worth. Here are his attributes so you can help me: * Good basic conformation, he is not particularly spectacular looking, but he is structurally sound and...
  17. Ferrah

    Have I Done This Right?

    Okay...actually in the first shot I am throwing pine cones to get Spyder's ears forward. He keeps putting them back to listen to me talking all the time. :o I will move the seat forward a bit and drop the breastcollar down one notch. When I have the cart moving though, the breeching moves...
  18. Ferrah

    Have I Done This Right?

    Here are some updated pictures of everything once I did some adjusting. I am sure there are more ways I can improve. I didn't get pictures of all the angles I wanted, my dad only has so much patience for this stuff.