Is this normal behavior?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2007
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My 4 yr. old mini (almost 5) always mounts my 12 yr. old gelding. The older one will walk or trot to try and get him off, but the youngster just stays on! :eek: He was a cryptorchid but had the surgery when he was young. He's done this since I got him over two years ago but I thought he'd outgrow this behavior by now.

Is this normal and will he ever outgrow it? It's kind of embarassing when my little neighbor kids are over.

Well, my two gelding and my colt do this all the time, lol.

I missed it, but my husband saw them in a veritable conga riding another riding another, LOL!
Boys will be boys!! :bgrin I don't think they out grow it....sorry! :no:
I have to chime in here with Mine do it too........ my 16 year old gelding is not happy about it, but my almost 3 year old does it all the time. and it's shameless........LOL. the 3 y/o is 32" and the older gelding is 37", so thats quite a sight. :new_shocked: I think it is just dominate play, I don't think he is really trying to breed. It is only when they are roughhousing, and because Rick is so much taller, he bosses Storm around 99% of the time. My neighbors get a kick out of it, and have to call me to tell me what they are doing. Every day. :eek:

yeah.....haha, it was funny the first time you called

I think it's pretty normal. My gelding will mount my stallion and any of the mares. Surprisingly the stallion is a little more tolerant than most of the mares. hehe!

A mini donky stallion used to mount my old gelding. Someone told me it was domaince thing since I would take Storm into the donkey's pasture to practice jumping it makes sense. He would run over and mount him, I would chase him off and then he would leave us alone until next time we came in. At some point he stoped because he knew I was going to chase him away anyway.
My two geldings Spyder and Cinnabar do it all the time.

They like to do it the most when there is non horsey company over. :lol:

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