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  1. mshasta88

    Dissappearing Tail...

    First thing that comes to mind is vitamins and minerals. Is he getting enough? Deficiencies of some water soluble vitamins and minerals can cause excessive hair loss. I have my horses on a sweet block that has various vitamins and minerals. One vitamin in particular is Biotin (B-7) which...
  2. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Hey everyone, I'm sorry that I never updated you on this colts color results but life happend and I wasn't able to send it in until yesterday. I will have his results in a week and will post them. I also tested for base color and tobiano.
  3. mshasta88

    Shipping to the UK

    I received an international inquiry on one of my horses. Neither of us have a clue what it cost to ship overseas so I wondering if some here could give me a ball park number?
  4. mshasta88

    Cold Weather Care

    I live at 9000 ft in the mountains with 8 minis. Everyone so far has great information. Mine do great in the cold but I due lock them up at night only to keep them out of reach of lions, bears and coyotes. If it wasn’t for the extra predators around my house then I would just let them have...
  5. mshasta88

    Best accomplishment of the year

    I love Grahams Ragtime, I had the opportunity to see Ragtime last January when Pura Vida still owned him. I also work on some of Pura Vida’s brood mares when they need help catching up with hoof care. They have one foal this year by Ragtime out of a Monarch mare that is just so cute.
  6. mshasta88

    Best accomplishment of the year

    Mine came from a gut feeling. It has always been my goal to breed show quality dun minis. I had a good feeling about buying a mare in foal back in May and she foaled an absolutely perfect dun tobiano colt in July. This colt’s sire then took Grand champion in senior stallion 30-32 in halter at...
  7. mshasta88

    What body type are my miniatures?

    I would have to agree with the above post. I wouldn't pin a type to them as I believe minis are their own breed therefore their own type.
  8. mshasta88

    Show records?

    Thank you so much
  9. mshasta88

    Show records?

    Does anyone have access to show records? If so I have a few horses that I wish I could know how well they did in the show ring or if they were even shown at all. JCW LE JAZZ AMHA# A187461 MCSPERITTS TOP BUCKS CONTESSIA AMHA# A96535 BLACK WALNUTS SKY DANCER (I don’t have her AMHA...
  10. mshasta88

    Who have you bred (or not bred) for 2013?

    We bred 4 before the market started getting really scary. Fortunately, one was preg tested and turned out to not be in foal. I know that I have two for sure in foal for 2013 and possibly a third. Here is what we are expecting. This is the stallion bred to the three mares. He is dun splash...
  11. mshasta88

    millet/ sorghum/ soybean hay?

    I would be careful with soybean hay. From what I understand, it has amino acid and enzyme inhibitors in it that is only inactivated with heat treatment. This can be harmful to normal protein synthesis.
  12. mshasta88

    what do you think of my boy?

    I just had to say how funny this post was hahaha he is amazing
  13. mshasta88

    Color, genetics, etc

    I would also suggest that while you are learing, make sure you understand your basics and your colors by themselves before you tackle gene combinations. I think people new in genetics get confused when you throw 3 or even 4 different color genes into one horse.
  14. mshasta88

    Traveling papers on horses for sale

    I have the brand inspector come out to inspect every horse I'm selling so all he needs to do is issue it. As far as coggins goes. I only pull it if the buyer is out of state. I feel like all of this can be done in a timely manner; however some people seem to overlook these things.
  15. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    I agree but I think enough people have voted to still make this fun. I also feel like maybe this thread could have been confusing to newbies. Do you suggest that I have Mary Lou delete this thread and start over with all the facts laid out in the begining?
  16. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Yes I agree that we need to read posts more clearly. With that said, I really should have posted my above post in with the op that sparked the argument about my mares silver geneotype because I never clamed all her foals to be silver. I just was stating that I knew her color based on her foal...
  17. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Here is the case with my mare that caused the controversy with her foals, which I saw all in person but the buckskin that I only had pictures of. · Bay filly out a black stallion · Buckskin colt out of a bay stallion · Silver filly (cream unknown) out of a silver stallion · Silver...
  18. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Thanks for this Leia I forgot about that early on or I would have corrected it as well. I also a silver black filly back in 2008 that was black horse at birth and was clearly silver by 2 months old.
  19. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Yes they do look pretty close, I wish he was born early so I could have clipped him.
  20. mshasta88

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Jane I did also decide to test for silver sense there seems to be some unsure people. Like I told Marsha, I hope he isn't but I'm still leaning more towards him having it. I will try to have the hair out tomorrow and will post the results when I get them