Color, genetics, etc

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Since being a member of this forum I have become intrigued by color and genetics. I would like to learn more about it so I understand what a "dilute" and other terms actually mean and also because I think, down the road, I would like to breed a few minis (not until my son is grown but I like to think ahead
and start to show a little.

Does anyone have a great resource for info on color and genetics? I understand gene basics (like the biology class stuff) so I think it's something I'll be able to grasp...
I would also suggest that while you are learing, make sure you understand your basics and your colors by themselves before you tackle gene combinations. I think people new in genetics get confused when you throw 3 or even 4 different color genes into one horse.
I have been reading for 2 hours and am fascinated! It is very confusing at first adding the dilutions and whatnot in but at least now I have a basic (very basic) understanding and somewhere to go to reference and learn more. What amazes me is that some combinations can be lethal or cause vision or hearing problems. Very important to know before you start breeding eh? So now my question is, how do you know what to test for? I guess it depends on what you want to breed and produce?

So my gelding (let's pretend he's a stallion) is a dark bay tobiano paint. So to see what the odds of passing that on where I would test him for the Tobiano gene to see if it's homozygous or heterozygous? And my bay mare (if breeding him to her) would I test for anything? Would I test either for their Extension or Aguouti?
Try Lesli Kathman's blog and book, The Equine Tapestry. First volume out, 3 to go. Next one deals with pony colors.
I would also suggest that while you are learing, make sure you understand your basics and your colors by themselves before you tackle gene combinations. I think people new in genetics get confused when you throw 3 or even 4 different color genes into one horse.
That would be pretty hard to do.....

There are TWO colours in all horses- Black and Red everything else is a dilute a pattern or a modifier..
Tobiano has not problem associated with it, so there would have been no need to test for it. With any Pinto (Paint is a breed, Pinto is a pattern) you would need to test for LWO before breeding, and in your case to test the mare as well as she is unknown breeding and LWO can be passed on without any visual signs on the animal. Splash is thought to cause deafness but, as in dogs, this appears to be when the white is round, or even in, the ears, and not when the body is "normally" patterned, thus many Splash horses have no deafness. Dominant White was thought to have an in utero fatal gene- this would not cause dead babies- as was Roan, but I think thinking may have changed on that one as it has on Roan, so it is not that much of a minefield really- you have only really to be aware of LWO and TEST!!

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