Well-Known Member
I'm going to make a suggestion here. If you live in an area where it takes multiple days, even weeks to get a Coggins report then have that done at the time you put the horse up for sale. (We are assuming here that the horse is priced within the market, well advertised and likely to sell in a reasonable time frame)
It can pose a hardship on a buyer and even mean the loss of a sale for the seller if buyer has transport available but there is no Coggins on the horse. And if your vet has done the Coggins he should be able to run by quickly for the Health Paper.
In our location we can get a Coggins report overnight, but I still get a current Coggins done on any horse for sale at the time I put him/her on the market. (the exception to this is a very young unweaned foal. I will wait till close to weaning to get the Coggins done since the foal can't leave till weaned)
If you are prepared!
It can pose a hardship on a buyer and even mean the loss of a sale for the seller if buyer has transport available but there is no Coggins on the horse. And if your vet has done the Coggins he should be able to run by quickly for the Health Paper.
In our location we can get a Coggins report overnight, but I still get a current Coggins done on any horse for sale at the time I put him/her on the market. (the exception to this is a very young unweaned foal. I will wait till close to weaning to get the Coggins done since the foal can't leave till weaned)
If you are prepared!