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  1. S

    Is AMHR planning on updating their Show Results page?

    I was just curious if AMHR is planning on updating their show results page anytime soon. Still has all of their 2005 shows.
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    Question regarding buyers who back out

    I agree if this person is a minor than there isn't a whole lot you can do. If this person isn't one than I would email this person back, and pretty much tell her straight out that by May 31st if you don't receive all the money you deserve than the deal is off and they won't get their deposit...
  3. S

    Where to buy halters on line....

    If you want the best made halters I would also go with Ozark, by Hamilton. Also if you want cheaper halters, and these halters aren't bad quality at all go to Sugar Rock.
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    Need help

    Have you tried Complete Advantage by Purina? Its suppose to help a Heave prone or allergic horse. Sorry about your mare. I have asthma as well and its no fun.
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    Odd breeding year

    No problems here. Have had a yearling, 2yr old, and mature mare been in heat. In fact I'm waiting for my mature mare to stop being in heat, its been a month, she is driving my yearling stallion batty. So I'll just keep breeding her until she stops lol.
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    It sounds like just 1 mini right? What I would do is just throw flakes out there every now and then. Like perhaps 4 helps of hay a day spread out. Of course he will stop when hes full (maybe lol) but I would start out slowly like that.
  7. S

    Fescue Hay

    Can you try to find just plain orchard grass hay? It would be cheaper than the mixes. I try to avoid giving fescue on my place anyways.
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    How to teach a horse "form" in jumping

    I guess the only way to teach them is if they hit the pole next time they should tuck in more. IMO they either have it or they don't. Also a good looking jumper horse takes time. The longer they do it the better they will look. Remeber hunter is style, Jumper you just have to do a clean round.
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    Does she have a phone number? I recommend calling her. I'm sure she is a busy woman these days :bgrin
  10. S

    Prefix question

    Whats the link to the lists? I agree think of something unique! Why choose something thats all ready been done.
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    Question on Breeding

    It doesn't matter what the base color is, it matters about the pinto breeding. Someone could be hiding an overo gene in there. Did she breed these two in the past and got a lethal white foal? Did she have them tested for LWO? You don't want to be breeding two LWO horses, or you will have a good...
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    Need opinion on grain....

    For one thing I would take away their cubes. Alfalfa has alot of fat in that. Here is my solution if I had your problem. All this winter I've been giving my horses 1 cup of Omelene 200 and 1 cup of alfalfa cubes, with pasture grass 24/7. These are just my horses that are easy keepers. I have 2...
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    Need help with a Filly

    I would also question the vet about her liver. If she was stressed out at Nationals than her liver can be thrown off. The liver helps with digestion. Just another idea. I also agree if she isn't doing well with the sweet feed, I would try finding something new like Equine Jr.. Also a reply to...
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    Clipping Questions

    For a show clip #15, for a regular clip just #10.
  15. S

    AMHR Rule Change for the PMC Classes

    Well perhaps AMHR can do a PMC membership? Just like with Amateurs, this way people can state their case before hand, instead at a show. Probably too late to do it this year but maybe it would be a good idea for AMHR to do it next year? What do you all think? I can understand AMHR's reasoning...
  16. S

    We keep talking about stallions and geldings

    If I had a mare that I feel shouldn't produce that I'm selling I would more than likely pull the mare's papers and sell her as a non-registered mare. Or get her registered into the NSPR where its a non-breedable registry. Unless the person who buys her wants to show her for example in AMHR...
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    AMHR Rule Change for the PMC Classes

    If you have the AMHR "The Journal" magazine in the back they have a bunch of rule changes. Thats the only place I believe have it, or I believe you can request list of rule changes by AMHR, they aren't making a 2006 rulebook.
  18. S

    I got the youth spotlight

    WOW Congratulations, thats an honor.
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    AMHR stallion rules

    You can breed your stallion, the foals just can't be registered until he is officially 3 and is pernament registered. Not sure if you can breed yearlings or not.
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    Milk From Nose During Nursing

    Sorry I can't give any ideas. I'll just pray your little guy gets better. The only thing I could think of is a cleft palate, which you said can't be it.