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Insert at the end of Part A: PMC classes may be split for Youth and Adults.
Part 17, A,2,a
Delete: In order to show in the Physically/Mentally Challenged (PMC) Division, exhibitors must have a disability. Exhibitors who are not disabled may not show in this division.
a. In order to show in the Physically/Mentally Challenged (PMC) Division, exhibitors must have a doctor diagnosed/permanent disability. Exhibitors who are not disabled may not show in this division. For Participation in the PMC approved events, exhibitors must be diagnosed with and provide proof of one of the following conditions:
Amputation Hunter’s Syndrome
Anthrogryposis Juvenile Rheumatiod Arthris
Asperger’s Syndrome Mental Retardation
Autism Microcephaly
Batten’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis
Cebvrovascular Accident (Stroke) Muscular Dystrophy
Cerebella Ataxia Post Polio Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy Prader Willie Syndrome
Coffin Lowry Syndrome Rhett Syndrome
Cystic Fibrosis Spina Bifida
Dwarfism Spinal Cord Injury
Fragile X Syndrome Touretts Syndrome
Freidrick’s Ataxia Traumatic Brain Injury
Guillan Barre Syndrome Visual Impairment
Hearling Impairment
Other diagnosis will be considered upon request.
The following disorders are not eligible for PMC participation:
ADHA Eating Disorders
Anxiety Disorders Fibromyalgia
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Learning Disabilities
Depression Psychological Diagnosis
In the case of adult exhibitors, each participant assumes all risk of personal injury or property damage and releases and discharges the corporation and show management, their respective officers, directors, representatives, and employees, from any and all liability, whenever or however arising, as to personal injury or property damage occurring as a result of participation in these events.
If the exhibitor is a minor, the parent or guardian, by allowing participation, assumes all risk of personal injury or property damage occurring as the result of the participation and does hereby release and discharge the corporation and show management, their respective officers, directors, representatives, and employees, from any and all liability, whenever or however arising from such participation, except for the willful or wanton act or omission, if any, of those who are indemnified. Further, as parent o legal guardian, they agree to indemnify and hold harmless the corporation and show management from such liability to the minor.