AMHR Rule Change for the PMC Classes

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]Since this is my division, I was wondering if anyone knows what the proposed changes were. If they sent something out in writing I cant read it without someone reading it to me. I tried to see if it was online but dont know where to look. Can anyone coment on that?[/SIZE]


I have heard Lyn but not sure how accurate this is so dont hold me to it just what I have heard...

that the changes are they are going to go by what is considered disabled by the I dont know some agency as opposed to those who say may have a broken leg, or had a knee replacement type- or have asthma of thing - Some felt there were some who were for lack of a better term abusing the class and were trying to get better and stricter guidelines for participation in the class-

again just what I heard so not gospal by any means
[SIZE=14pt]This was just sent to my email.[/SIZE]

Insert at the end of Part A: PMC classes may be split for Youth and Adults.

Part 17, A,2,a

Delete: In order to show in the Physically/Mentally Challenged (PMC) Division, exhibitors must have a disability. Exhibitors who are not disabled may not show in this division.


a. In order to show in the Physically/Mentally Challenged (PMC) Division, exhibitors must have a doctor diagnosed/permanent disability. Exhibitors who are not disabled may not show in this division. For Participation in the PMC approved events, exhibitors must be diagnosed with and provide proof of one of the following conditions:

Amputation Hunter’s Syndrome

Anthrogryposis Juvenile Rheumatiod Arthris

Asperger’s Syndrome Mental Retardation

Autism Microcephaly

Batten’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis

Cebvrovascular Accident (Stroke) Muscular Dystrophy

Cerebella Ataxia Post Polio Syndrome

Cerebral Palsy Prader Willie Syndrome

Coffin Lowry Syndrome Rhett Syndrome

Cystic Fibrosis Spina Bifida

Dwarfism Spinal Cord Injury

Fragile X Syndrome Touretts Syndrome

Freidrick’s Ataxia Traumatic Brain Injury

Guillan Barre Syndrome Visual Impairment

Hearling Impairment

Other diagnosis will be considered upon request.

The following disorders are not eligible for PMC participation:

ADHA Eating Disorders

Anxiety Disorders Fibromyalgia

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Learning Disabilities

Depression Psychological Diagnosis


In the case of adult exhibitors, each participant assumes all risk of personal injury or property damage and releases and discharges the corporation and show management, their respective officers, directors, representatives, and employees, from any and all liability, whenever or however arising, as to personal injury or property damage occurring as a result of participation in these events.

If the exhibitor is a minor, the parent or guardian, by allowing participation, assumes all risk of personal injury or property damage occurring as the result of the participation and does hereby release and discharge the corporation and show management, their respective officers, directors, representatives, and employees, from any and all liability, whenever or however arising from such participation, except for the willful or wanton act or omission, if any, of those who are indemnified. Further, as parent o legal guardian, they agree to indemnify and hold harmless the corporation and show management from such liability to the minor.
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I honestly am a bit shocked that someone would try to claim eating disorders and anxiety as a DISABILITY????

If that's true then everyone I know should be showing in PMC.....
[SIZE=14pt]So, what happens to the kids who don't have an actual diagnosis? My son is 9 and is thus far undiagnosed, although he isn't able to walk without assistance, speech is delayed and all motor skills are delayed. Anyone who sees him knows he is disabled. Is there a particular form that needs to be filled out? So many questions........[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Jennifer. I think that all the stewards and judges know Austin and would allow him in. The other good thing that has come out of this is that they will divide the classes regionally between youth and adult because not everyone has done that before. I do believe that there are people that use their weight as the disability. I was at a couple of shows where that was the case. I was always over weight but only started showing PMC when they sent me to the rehab school for the blind and vision impaired and took away my driverslicense. I had told my beloved friend Vivi Dupont who got these things started that I felt like because I didnt have a physical limitation such as lack of strength in my arms and legs that I should not go in them and she told me that when the other exhibitors were trying to get me out of open and amateur saying I was an accident waiting to happen, it was time for me to switch. There are lots of disabilities that are subjective and even Depression can affect you physically with strenth and pain issues. They may have to revisit this rule. Honestly around Area 1 and at natonals I have not seen anyone in the classes that really didnt belong there. And yes there are a few of us that can manage to show in amy or open.... Mandy Gough is deaf but she is very capeable of showing in open halter and driving and any other class. I think I can still show in showmanship and halter, maybe not driving in a small ring with a big class but my horses have always kept me out of trouble in the driving ring. I dont think we should be made to chose PMC or the other classes. my degree of blindness changes every day depending on how much my eyes bleed. some days Im black out blind or rather white out because it is like seeing in the clouds and then there are days when the inside corner of my right eye is relatively clear and I have about 25 degrees of clarity. Those days I try more things than the others. It all depends. I can see how CP people and people with Fibromyalgia also have good days and bad. I dont know if the person who suggested the rule change is disabled or not but they are not obviously clinically trained.[/SIZE]

Could someone post a link to the actual official rule? Which association is this, AMHR or AMHA?

I haven't shown in any PMC classes because they have not been offered at any of the shows I have attended. I have Fibromyalgia (for some reason on the not acceptable list). FMS limits my ability to move. Some days I can't even get out of bed, though most days I am able to walk...being able to jog alongside a horse is quite often impossible.

Anyway, if the official rule excludes people with FMS from PMC classes, that upsets me. I can't even tell you how much. I've been dealing with this $&%&@ disease for 6 years now. I had a GREAT job that I LOVED. I was the primary support for my family. I had a beautiful home with a nice barn, paddocks with fences that I built...I lost EVERYTHING- my job, my house, most of the control over my life- when I got sick.

The minis are one of the few things I have left. But now some judgmental %*^*&^$!s have decided my illness isn't enough!? For those people that decided that...stick it where the sun doesn't shine!
If you have the AMHR "The Journal" magazine in the back they have a bunch of rule changes. Thats the only place I believe have it, or I believe you can request list of rule changes by AMHR, they aren't making a 2006 rulebook.

I just re-read the rule and I suspect that if you sent in a copy of your doctor's diagnosis that you would easily qualify.

I think they are trying to avoid having people who are "overweight", or have a twisted ankle for the day from trying to enter the class.

At least that was what I was reading........

If you have the AMHR "The Journal" magazine in the back they have a bunch of rule changes. Thats the only place I believe have it, or I believe you can request list of rule changes by AMHR, they aren't making a 2006 rulebook.

I haven't been able to renew my memberships this year (yet) due to finances, so I've stopped getting the Journal and MHW
I'll send an email to AMHR and see if they can mail me a list of the changes.

Miniv, is what Lyn posted the text of the rule? Because since they specifically excluded FMS, I don't know if having my doctor write that I can barely walk would be enough

I don't mean to sound whiney....I've just been struggling with this illness for a long time and have had to fight with so many entities...first to get a diagnosis and ever since to get treatment... and often just to prove thast I really am sick (oh yeah, I WANTED to be bedridden, stop working at the job I loved, lose my home, have to sell most of my horses and become totally dependent on my husband ::rolls eyes:

I'm just really peeved that FMS and Chronic Fatigue would be specifically mentioned and a list with Eating Disorders, Anxiety and Depression! FMS is a type of Rheumatism (like Rheumatoid Arthritis)...the medical speciality that treats FMS is a rheumatologist.....those other things are psychological ailments that don't normally affect movement and are usually treated by psychiatric doctors...

It feels like a HUGE slap in the face by the AMHR...and the folks that made it a rule....if indeed that list is part of the rule...

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lennie brought up a good point about this new rule. The show managers and judges DO NOT want to be the ones to decide who is elgible and who is not. This way its done beforehand and there are no squabbles at the show.
Well perhaps AMHR can do a PMC membership? Just like with Amateurs, this way people can state their case before hand, instead at a show. Probably too late to do it this year but maybe it would be a good idea for AMHR to do it next year? What do you all think?

I can understand AMHR's reasoning to do this, but maybe the judged who should be eligible to quickly?
[SIZE=18pt]Maybe I missed it, but when does this go into effect? Just curious if I need to have something for show season this year, as it's rapidly approaching. [/SIZE]

Well perhaps AMHR can do a PMC membership? Just like with Amateurs, this way people can state their case before hand, instead at a show. Probably too late to do it this year but maybe it would be a good idea for AMHR to do it next year? What do you all think?

I can understand AMHR's reasoning to do this, but maybe the judged who should be eligible to quickly?
[SIZE=18pt]I think that's a great idea! It would be great to have a card to show at shows.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Jennifer. I think that all the stewards and judges know Austin and would allow him in. The other good thing that has come out of this is that they will divide the classes regionally between youth and adult because not everyone has done that before. I do believe that there are people that use their weight as the disability. I was at a couple of shows where that was the case. I was always over weight but only started showing PMC when they sent me to the rehab school for the blind and vision impaired and took away my driverslicense. I had told my beloved friend Vivi Dupont who got these things started that I felt like because I didnt have a physical limitation such as lack of strength in my arms and legs that I should not go in them and she told me that when the other exhibitors were trying to get me out of open and amateur saying I was an accident waiting to happen, it was time for me to switch. There are lots of disabilities that are subjective and even Depression can affect you physically with strenth and pain issues. They may have to revisit this rule. Honestly around Area 1 and at natonals I have not seen anyone in the classes that really didnt belong there. And yes there are a few of us that can manage to show in amy or open.... Mandy Gough is deaf but she is very capeable of showing in open halter and driving and any other class. I think I can still show in showmanship and halter, maybe not driving in a small ring with a big class but my horses have always kept me out of trouble in the driving ring. I dont think we should be made to chose PMC or the other classes. my degree of blindness changes every day depending on how much my eyes bleed. some days Im black out blind or rather white out because it is like seeing in the clouds and then there are days when the inside corner of my right eye is relatively clear and I have about 25 degrees of clarity. Those days I try more things than the others. It all depends. I can see how CP people and people with Fibromyalgia also have good days and bad. I dont know if the person who suggested the rule change is disabled or not but they are not obviously clinically trained.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Thanks, Lyn. It is obvious to anyone who sees Austin that he definitely has a disability. My hubby has to walk him out into the ring everytime. He can't barely even stand without help now. I'm thinking more and more that we are just going to have to give in a get him a wheelchair or scooter.
There's really no way he could go back and forth between PMC classes and the regular classes. I do think it's great they are dividing the classes between youth and adult. I was going to try to figure out how to request that rule change.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]I do think it's great that some people are able to go back and forth between the classes! :aktion033: How else are you going to earn your Hall of Fame points without having to pay someone to show your horse?
: [/SIZE]

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