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  1. S

    Me again,......sorry guys,........LOL

    The peeing while winking is perfectly normal. All mares do that bred or not. It sounds like she is quite uncomfortable, which again all normal. Mares do it differently. My mare just does the sad look and hangs her head low, other mares just can't stand still.
  2. S

    My maiden mare at dayn 312

    I say watch her closely. Defintelly has the V shape so she has dropped.
  3. S

    Will filly be oversized?

    I will say she probably will. But you never know. I have one filly I sold thats has AMHA papers and she's like 33" already, but I transferred her just incase. If I didn't sell her I probably wouldnt even bother with it. I would go ahead, I know big pain in the butt, but you might regret it later on.
  4. S

    Where do you shop for show supplies??

    Jeffers for your showing items. :
  5. S

    Question about leasing to a youth..

    You can defintelly show them in open, they would just have to sign at the place where the "owner" must sign, now in amateur the horses would have to be in "your" name to show them. I believe thats right for leasing a horse.
  6. S

    Has the foal dropped?

    Ok so when exactly was this mare in with the Jack? Are the due dates to the 1st of May or you had her in with the Jack till the 1st of May. The way you worded it her latest due date would have been April 1st. She is defintelly forming a bag, still very small of course, but that would be a sign...
  7. S

    Mommy Mare Questions????

    How much grain are you giving her? I give a mare/foal feed (Omelene 300), and 1 fake of alfalfa/timothy hay 2X a day, and alfalfa cubes which will be taken away once she foals but will be on nice pasture grass 24/7. I would defintelly try to nip this in the butt before she colics. I would also...
  8. S

    Preg maiden mare kicks when utters touched...

    JMO I think its good for the maidens to be touched down there. They need to get use to the feel before the get surprized by the foal and the foal getting hurt. They might not like it but atleast get them use to it. I agree doing every day is a little too much. The way I do it is once they accept...
  9. S

    Has the foal dropped?

    For a mare that has had past foals before sure isn't very big for a preggy mare. If you read her first post according to the due dates she's past due. My maiden mare who is due also this month, middle of the month, looks just about that, also the same size even bigger and she looks even a...
  10. S

    American Idol

    I was competely shocked when I saw her leave. Taylor was the one with the worst performance last night. Actually I'm competely surprized with the bottom 3.
  11. S

    All breeders, your opinion/experiences please.

    The liquid that comes out of the udder. If its real sticky I know its close, if its white than I for sure know its close. The vulva, very long and relaxed, and hind end relaxed, with V shape belly. Cow patties are also a good indicator.
  12. S

    Yet another question regarding the maiden

    Just have the mare get use to her teats being touched and pulled on. If your right there and the mare isn't letting the baby nurse than tie the mare up and see if that will work. Never had this problem but if the mare is use to having being touched down there helps a whole lot.
  13. S


    Than since you don't I would advise to take them off. Fescue can do alot of damage to the pregnant mare and her baby. Like Marty said red bag deliveries, bags that become too hard for the baby to come out of and has a chance to suffocate if your not there to get the baby out, it does do damage...
  14. S

    New Foal Questions

    We avoid putting mommas and babies out together with other horses, but will put them together with other mommas and babies. They need to know their herding instincts and they can't learn that with just momma by themselves. Other mommas together can teach them that. Never had a problem. As for...
  15. S

    Ohhh my nerves,.....

    My mare's udder is just almost the exact same size as your mares and she's also a maiden and is also due this month. The only signs my mare is giving me is loose hind end, belly dropping more, butt rubbing to loosen pressure, pretty much it. Right now I'm defintelly watching my mare cause you...
  16. S

    Question on Transfer AMHR

    If she's signed the papers at the bottom than thats all she needs too do. Just fill out the rest and send it in.
  17. S

    American Idol Fans

    Yeah I was surprised that Ace and Kathrine was in the bottom 3. Bucky was surprised too. I'm glad to see Lisa go. I think unless Kellie will choose a much better song next week she will go, than Bucky. I still like Bucky. I think Chris just sang what he wants to do which is hard rock and I know...
  18. S

    Question regarding AMHR

    I do hope that they will change back to the original way where both parties gets reg. papers. Becky I would just simply try and call them like you said you were. Get it straightened out. Now Kay not trying to bash you by all means, but people on here also bash AMHA. So it kind of works both...
  19. S

    Skinny or just a baby?

    Like everyone else has said skinny. I know winter is hard to judge especially on a yearling. Instead of oats I would seriously try to find a Jr. feed. Omelene 200, Equine Jr. you know something like that. IMO oats just isn't what a growing horse needs.
  20. S

    Maiden Mares

    Yeah I agree if she is she is hiding it really well. However I do have a maiden thats really tall and not near as fuzzy as most of mine and she is hiding it pretty well also. But you can defintelly tell its more preggy belly than hay belly by the way she looks. With yours I say go ahead and...