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  1. S

    Orchardgrass or Timothy?

    If our horses need the extra roughage (our pasture grass is really good and they are on it 24/7) than we give orchard grass. For broodmares when they need the extra nutrients we give timothy/alfalfa mixed hay. Timothy is good for calcium just like alfalfa and higher in fat and protein than orchard.
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    Favorite Commercial during Super Bowl??

    I didn't watch the commercials that faitfuly this year. Last years were terrible. Although this years when I was watching it was much better. I like the clyde foal too.
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    Can you have "too fancy" of a halter for shows??

    You can show your horse in anything you want. Their is no rule against it. But Sanny is right on what she said. If your horse has a tiny petitie head than you don't want anything distracting to hide it. If your horse has a more larger, longer head than you would want something with a bar nose...
  4. S

    Why Beet pulp??

    I find it as a good filler feed. If my horses are really sunked in in the flank area to where you can easily feel their rib cage I give that too them and they gain weight up in that area. Beet pulp isn't a replacement feed, they still need their grain and roughage. I rarely need to give beet...
  5. S

    How often should you give vaccinations

    Last year in November after buying me a new horse I vaccinated him because he never has been vaccinated before. I didn't want to take any chances. Now I decided to show him, and want him fully covered at shows, heard too many horror stories about horses not being vaccinated and get very serious...
  6. S

    Question about Youth showing at Nationals...

    I can see your view on this. However since a youth does have to qualify to show now, does not mean they have to qualify for a certain CLASS. So AMHR would probably tell you they still have to quailfy. It does not hurt to ask, you never know what they might say lol.
  7. S

    When buying an mare do you look for bred mares or open mares?

    I have an friend who is selling a very nice mare and been selling her for a while and I just don't understand why this mare isn't getting sold, believe me she is advertising. Price is VERY reasonable. I was just curious in today's market what everyone is looking for these days, especially this...
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    Show Tips or Secrets

    For those with appys I have a mare who has spots, very tiny and hard to see. Get some show sheen and spray directly on the spots they will pop out right at ya. For clipping advice spray show sheen after you bathe the horse and spray again right before you clip makes it easier for your clippers...
  9. S

    What is an acceptable down payment?

    I'm going to say an nonrefundable $100 for a week is good.
  10. S

    IF you sale a horse

    I had one sale that went thru but took forever to end lol. This one person bought a horse, waited a month for pickup, didn't charge boarding, well something went wrong, month after month went buy, still didn't charge boarding but by the 4th month I said enough, must pick up or pay boarding. They...
  11. S

    Just a few more questions on foaling

    Is nurse mate a paste or liquid colostrum? I have a product called Foal Response and if they haven't nursed in the first 12hrs or mother has no milk I would use it. But other than that never had to. There is also a product out there called Mother Up. If the mare is refusing the baby, just use...
  12. S

    Protien in diets

    Right now my broodmares are on a 14% protein grain with alfalfa cubes. When it gets closer I will be giving them a 16% protein grain, alfalfa cubes, and a flake of hay of timothy/alfalfa. We give alot of protein here and no problems.
  13. S

    Urgent - mare acting strangely - EPM?

    FYI: Respiratory rate is 10-18 breaths Watch her temp. 98 is a tiny bit low, but nothing I would say its an emergancy about, just watch it. How are her stools right now? Sorry the only advice I can give is to find another vet right now. Do you have an winter blanket for her?-
  14. S

    My mini is a duck killer!!!!

    I agree he is bored. His mind is bored. Who can blame him. Gelding him and going to the trainers is good. What I heard from the past he needs some work. I say for his reward when he comes home find him another gelding and let them rough house.
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    I am currently ordering new sets of blankets for my show horses. These body suits are out now, never have used them. Are they any better than the individual blanket and hood? Or is there hardly any difference? Thanks!
  16. S

    CDE training, looking for info

    Thanks! That websites real helpful. I will defintelly get that book :bgrin . I have a mini that is trained to drive, and is currently being trained for obstacle driving as we speak, so she's a really good driving horse. CDE I took a real interest in and I think she can do it. Are there any...
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    CDE training, looking for info

    Are there any good books or websites that explain it really good about CDE training? Anybody here do CDE?
  18. S

    Need a diet plan for my boy

    I agree. Thats not a whole lot of hay and for him to look like that lol. Of course he might just have a really thick coat. Yes what type of hay is he getting? Hay is very important where you are at and I would defintelly not cut down the amount, but maybe try finding a less fating hay. I give...
  19. S

    Behvaior Problem

    If I had a horse rear up I would pull BACK on the lead and yell "NO" while he is up in the air. Picking up a horse like that IMO is very dangerous for both of you . And pulling the horse down your just asking for a fight.
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    Should he be disciplined?

    If any horse came at me trying to bite me I would yell and scream and tell him I'm the boss, I'm in charge of you.