Just a few more questions on foaling

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[SIZE=18pt]When should you start getting worried because the foal hasn't nursed?[/SIZE]

If anyone uses heat lamps do you use the clear ones or the red ones?

Should I have some Nurse mate ASAP on hand for an emaergancy?

In the Ozark Tack Catalog they have probias listed in their foaling kit what is this and what is it used for?

Also Micro E Selenium what is that for?

Can I get the bananmine from the vet?

What if you aren't sure exactly when your mare is going to foal, what do you do about shots then? My mare was bred when we got her and she could foal any where from beginning of March all the way to June some time. I'm leaning more towards that she is about 8 1/2 months pregnant now and that we will have a foal in April.

Your foal should be nursing within the first 12 hours of birth. We always give our foal a first feeding anyway, and then try to stand back and let them find the food-bar. If they haven't nursed aggressively in 3 hours, then we step in and actively milk the mare and start feeding by hand. Usually, the foal will be nursing at the latest at 6 hours....and even that is unusual.

We have used both the clear and red heat lamps.

Not sure what you mean by a nurse mate......so no, guess I don't use it. :bgrin

We don't use the probias on newborns....or the broodmare at birth.

We give all of our newborns a selenium/E shot at birth because our soil has virtually no selenium in it. There are other areas in the country that has TOO MUCH selenium, so you need to find out from you vet what region you are in.

Banamine is only purchased from a vet.

Since you are unsure about when your mare is due, I'd base her shots on the earliest possible date, but not give things like Rabies or West Nile until after foaling, IMO.

These are just MY suggestions.....I also recommend that you share all of your concerns with your vet.

[SIZE=14pt]Thank you Miniv. I want it to be made clear I'm just asking opinions and experiences. I will deffinatly talk to the vet as I have to call him today.[/SIZE]

Thank you,

Is nurse mate a paste or liquid colostrum?

I have a product called Foal Response and if they haven't nursed in the first 12hrs or mother has no milk I would use it. But other than that never had to.

There is also a product out there called Mother Up. If the mare is refusing the baby, just use the directions and they should bond, or to a foster mother. Never tried it, don't know if it works, but just in case.

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