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  1. J

    One of our Calves is missing

    Oh, I hope you find her quickly...... but you know how they are, they DO get out and will wander off with other herds. I am sure hoping that is what happened and that one of the neighbors will spot her........
  2. J


    Tanya! I am so happy for you!! Congratulations - that is a big step, with many more to come! :aktion033:
  3. J

    Horse at the Wool Market?

    OK, the title of this really got my curiosity going! I used to go to Estes Park Wool Market for years and years..... had a vendor booth there. It is GREAT fun, even if you don't love fiber, because of all the animal shows - llamas, alpacas, goats, rabbits - I've even seen yaks there! And they...
  4. J

    She is legally mine now...Introducing......

    Congratulations! I love her sweet expression..... :
  5. J

    How do you win??

    Hi Ballynoebaby - looks like you are trying to get a grip on this and be more mature about it, so good for you! I used to show rabbits. I would tell people, the reason I would go to show my rabbits, was so I could talk about rabbits all day long and no one would say, "Jeez! Shut up about the...
  6. J

    Update and New Pics on TURTLE

    Wow - what cool pictures! That is so neat you caught her laying eggs. Here is some info I found about how long the eggs take to hatch: This came from: Snapping Turtle I think it is pretty interesting that the temperature of the egg determines the sex of the baby! Imagine if we could do that...
  7. J

    We lost the mare

    Shawna, I am so sorry to hear about the mare! The filly is gorgeous, as usual for your mules. In case you need it, I do have an awesome "mama" mare. We think she is barren but she takes over the weaned foals, and protects them from the other horses! She lets them eat all the best food and so...
  8. J

    Doofus Award Material!

    Very cute story! :lol: It's funny since no one got hurt. Glad you are both OK! Now, if you had my kind of luck, someone would have taken a picture!!
  9. J


    I got two, very nice soft leather ones on eBay. They are so little they only fit for a short while. Another place to look is in the tack listings here on the site. On the "Breeders Connect" page, there is a place where tack dealers are listed. What I learned to do is make my own rope ones, then...
  10. J

    Fly Preditors

    I used to work on a big QH ranch that used them. They got a new shipment every so often - I can't recall how often - and we would distribute them around the ranch. In addition, we put out fly traps (those ones they crawl in and drown) and we changed those and re-filled them every week. There...
  11. J

    Anything I should know about "downsizing"?

    I've got minis and "biggies" and I don't let them run together...... I have seen this work out OK, but I would be worried about a stallion. Even the gentlest, kindest mare in the world will squeal and kick while in season, and if she should happen to hit him in the head...... it would be a bad...
  12. J

    I've had it!

    Wow. What a cone-head. You might also let the owner know WHY you will be seeking another position. It is possible they will deep-six the creep and keep you.
  13. J

    space questions

    I guess it would depend on the size of the horse. I would worry about enough head height, but most of my horses are the bigger ones, about 34" to 36" tall. No way a 36" horse would fit in that space, not without hitting themselves on the head. The body would not fit too good either.
  14. J


    Rabbitsfizz...... this is why I said that. My husband is a paramedic and works in the ER. When someone comes in with a broken toe, they WILL have to wait, because mostly what the staff are dealing with are life-threatening injuries and conditions, and you won't die from a broken toe (at least...
  15. J


    The only way to find out if something is broken (unless pieces of bone are sticking out of the skin!!) is to have it X-rayed. You need to go to the doctor. I would not reccomend going to the Emergency Room. That is for emergencies, and a possible broken toe is not an emergency. However you...
  16. J


    Actually, although it is true that a endings in Spanish mean female, and o endings male, in this particular case the word "grulla" means crane (like a Sandhill crane, or a bird, not a big machine that lifts things). When they are talking about a horse's color, they say "grullo".
  17. J

    Snakes.....what is that cute little ditty.....

    Sounds like a milk or king snake to me..... no worries about venom. The little line I know is "Red and yellow, kill a fellow; red and black, poison lack". I too have been bitten by little king snakes, but the ones I ran into had such teeny little teeth they could not even break the skin. If the...
  18. J

    Question about Llama's

    Many times llamas simply don't show. You can check their bag. If they start to bag up that is a pretty good indication they are getting close, but some young females don't bag up until the very last second. Also, if the wool is not too long, you can sometimes see the unborn cria kicking late in...
  19. J

    New Filly- 2 days old

    She looks bay to me too. I would say that on the legs with pink hooves, she has some sort of marking that will stay white. It sort of looks like one front leg has a dark hoof - if that is the case, and it is not my imagination, my guess is that the leg with the dark hoof will turn black.
  20. J

    Another "Stallion Anatomy" Question with pics.

    :bgrin As far as I know, that is the proper shape for a pair of testacles. I've never seen any that were NOT that shape, whether they were on a horse, a ram or a buck. Hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. I am pretty used to such...