Hey everybody! Yep, I'm thinking about my first mini. Technically it would be my mother's, but I'm the horseperson in my family :lol: ... My mom does a lot of after-school classes and community events, and she wants to start up a class about horses. The mini would come in on the "party day" and get petted and groomed by the kids, no riding or anything. I'd teach him a couple of tricks, he'd stand there and look cute, easiest life a mini ever had.
Well, I've been looking around on the internet and visiting a few prospective candidates (requirements: great disposition, cute, 2hrs or less from my house, *cheap*). I was hoping to find a nice sound gelding or mare, or maybe a retired show horse who needs a summer job, but all the adult minis around me for under a grand are all stallions. Not a big deal, a few snips and that can be fixed if needed
: but I found that rather odd, considering in the horse world geldings are usually the cheapest.
Anyway, last weekend we visited a mini south of us. This lady is moving into town, and wants a good home for her mini, somewhere that he'll be used. This mini sounds like a great fit for what we want. His name is Stuart Little's Silver Lining. He's a 30" tall 3yo (5-25-03) silver dapple tobiano stallion, registered AMHR, by Misty Creeks Little Magic (black & white pinto, 31") and out of Pee Wee's Patch's (Grey & White, 32.75"). I haven't seen his papers, this is just the info she sent me. She's had him for a few years, he's been raised around "big" horse mares and electric fencing, which is good since that's my situation at home, her kids have played with him, he's not afraid of dogs, he's relaxed around strange people, rather laid back all around... We're really thinking of getting him.
Is there anything I should know about having a mini that I wouldn't think of as a "big" horse person? I have 4 mares at home, a Foundation Quarter Horse and 3 rescue ponies (I think everyone's tall enough that there shouldn't be any "accidents", though I did see a Mini x MS Fox Trotter for sale online...) and 5+ acres they run around in all day. For introductions, I was thinking of seperating the mini for a few days, then adding whatever mare seems to be the most ok with him, then letting those two out with the others. I've never seen my mares be very aggressive to any other horse, so I think it would be fine to run him with them. Are minis alright on just pasture, or should I count on graining him too? My mares are keeping weight up well with an evening scoop of grain after a day at pasture, I don't know that a mini would need it. Could someone look up his papers online? Hopefully the AMHR doesn't charge you like the AQHA does, but I'd be grateful to have a look at them, especially since he's still a stud (not that I'd breed him anytime in the near future). I only know two famous minis, that cute pintaloosa, Orion something, and the Buckaroo buckskin. Now I can learn more bloodlines :bgrin. Anyone know his sire, dam, or dam's sire? I visited both of my QH's parents when I got her, and I like knowing more about where they came from. Would Stuart be AMHA eligible? Is there a huge difference between the two registries? Anyone here a member of the MN mini club? I saw something about a clinic in Shakopee, wondering if that might be good for the novice mini owner.
Sorry about the post length, when it comes to horses I can't shut up
: !
Well, I've been looking around on the internet and visiting a few prospective candidates (requirements: great disposition, cute, 2hrs or less from my house, *cheap*). I was hoping to find a nice sound gelding or mare, or maybe a retired show horse who needs a summer job, but all the adult minis around me for under a grand are all stallions. Not a big deal, a few snips and that can be fixed if needed

Anyway, last weekend we visited a mini south of us. This lady is moving into town, and wants a good home for her mini, somewhere that he'll be used. This mini sounds like a great fit for what we want. His name is Stuart Little's Silver Lining. He's a 30" tall 3yo (5-25-03) silver dapple tobiano stallion, registered AMHR, by Misty Creeks Little Magic (black & white pinto, 31") and out of Pee Wee's Patch's (Grey & White, 32.75"). I haven't seen his papers, this is just the info she sent me. She's had him for a few years, he's been raised around "big" horse mares and electric fencing, which is good since that's my situation at home, her kids have played with him, he's not afraid of dogs, he's relaxed around strange people, rather laid back all around... We're really thinking of getting him.
Is there anything I should know about having a mini that I wouldn't think of as a "big" horse person? I have 4 mares at home, a Foundation Quarter Horse and 3 rescue ponies (I think everyone's tall enough that there shouldn't be any "accidents", though I did see a Mini x MS Fox Trotter for sale online...) and 5+ acres they run around in all day. For introductions, I was thinking of seperating the mini for a few days, then adding whatever mare seems to be the most ok with him, then letting those two out with the others. I've never seen my mares be very aggressive to any other horse, so I think it would be fine to run him with them. Are minis alright on just pasture, or should I count on graining him too? My mares are keeping weight up well with an evening scoop of grain after a day at pasture, I don't know that a mini would need it. Could someone look up his papers online? Hopefully the AMHR doesn't charge you like the AQHA does, but I'd be grateful to have a look at them, especially since he's still a stud (not that I'd breed him anytime in the near future). I only know two famous minis, that cute pintaloosa, Orion something, and the Buckaroo buckskin. Now I can learn more bloodlines :bgrin. Anyone know his sire, dam, or dam's sire? I visited both of my QH's parents when I got her, and I like knowing more about where they came from. Would Stuart be AMHA eligible? Is there a huge difference between the two registries? Anyone here a member of the MN mini club? I saw something about a clinic in Shakopee, wondering if that might be good for the novice mini owner.
Sorry about the post length, when it comes to horses I can't shut up
