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  1. Cherokee Rose

    Ok, It's My Turn - Finally

    What a pretty boy : I just love Appy Butts :aktion033: Congratulations
  2. Cherokee Rose

    Hi! (Intro)

    Welcome from Northeastern Minnesota :aktion033: And your going to love this new adventure :
  3. Cherokee Rose

    Worst night of our lives

    My heart goes out to you and your poor mare.....I know how you feel sometimes we wonder why we do this and then you see a healthy foal playing in the field and think this is what its all about....praying time will heal the pain.......Carrie
  4. Cherokee Rose

    Bad evening here . Sillouette lost her filly

    Sorry for your loss there is nothing more heartbreaking.......Carrie
  5. Cherokee Rose

    What makes YOUR stallion special?

    Well I can say with certainy that "Tom A Hawk" always stood out in a crowd !! I remember the first time I saw him at the Jandts farm we were just getting started in the minis and out of 75 horses there I just kept going back to him.....but to my dismay Joe was asking more than I could aford :no...
  6. Cherokee Rose

    PIXIE hadda baby too!

    Congratulations :aktion033: They are both so cute.....and we know these two will be spoiled :
  7. Cherokee Rose

    Our first baby born!!!

    Congratulations Mindy and Cynthia :aktion033: I do believe she brought her winter coat with her from Minnesota : Softy is a beautiful mare I hated to part with her but I think Splash will help ease the pain I think the filly will do you proud and I think I'm with grandpa you better keep her...
  8. Cherokee Rose

    Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail!! Left a present!

    Very nice baby Congradulations!!! And nice pics on what a normal presentation should look like .....could be very helpful to someone :
  9. Cherokee Rose

    WOOHOO!!! Hippity Hoppity, Hippity Hoppity

    WOW...Mona you have really been busy.....and all of them are so nice : :aktion033: And I think you deserved it all : I was going to aske you on the color post if that was Liley's filly? Did you figure out what color she is? Also will you hang on to that filly fairy and send her just a...
  10. Cherokee Rose

    Few-Spot Appaloosa

    A Few-Spot can be any base color......and you don't have to have 2 leopards to get a few spot. But both parents must be Appy. Hope that helps :bgrin
  11. Cherokee Rose

    My beautiful new brag book!

    Nice book Mindy : I might have to get me one of them :bgrin So I guess Softy still has her legs crossed and not letting go of that foal :
  12. Cherokee Rose

    Got a few pictures of Big City's little girl...

    Erica, I always enjoy seeing the post of your new foals : All I can say is well done girl...stunning babies :aktion033:
  13. Cherokee Rose

    "You're GROUNDED" my daughter says...

    Nice babies Tony :aktion033: And I guess you need to be grounded....poor girls :
  14. Cherokee Rose

    HGFarm's New LOUD Leopard Colt (PIC)

    Stunning boy!! You know these Apps just keep getting better and better : :aktion033:
  15. Cherokee Rose

    Baby #4 Appy alert!!

    Hi Cindy Very nice :aktion033: I love the blanketed Appys : I was just on your website earlier and I see you have alot of color going on : We are very excited around here right now waiting for Dream to foal she has about 4 more send that spotted fairy north please!! :aktion033:
  16. Cherokee Rose

    Topper's day out......

    Well my vote is going to be silver bay.....I had a filly born last year that was the same color....and I registried her as a silver chestnut.....but I should have clipped her first....after I did it became apparent that her lower legs were a smoking color...and as she matured they have stayed...
  17. Cherokee Rose

    WooHOO! Spots coming in!

    I just had to laugh :lol: you are truely becoming and Appy breeder....only us true appy breeders do a dance at the first spot we see no matter how small.....I think you might be seeing some color on that boy :aktion033:
  18. Cherokee Rose

    Updated pictures of our appaloosa colt ...

    He is beautiful.....very nice colt I would like to see one just like him in my barn this spring :
  19. Cherokee Rose

    We finally got our new mare home

    Beautiful mare : you just can't beat those Lucky Hart mares.....any I've known have been wonderful mothers and are easy foalers. So Congratulations By George :aktion033:
  20. Cherokee Rose

    What happened to "Minnesota Nice"

    :no: I'm thinking Hanging is to good for them