Well-Known Member
Well, foaling season here at Last Chance Miniatures is now complete. We had a DANDY year!! 1 colt and 4 fillies, and I'll be keeping 2 of the fillies myself! :aktion033:
This beauty was born this morning...maybe around 9:30. Things were kind of hectic with the delivery, so I never really looked at the time.
This mare's due date was April 16-22. She never started making bag until April 8, and that was the first signs. It was FAAAAAAR from what I consider ready, and I had not even had her in under camera! Then the last couple of days I noticed she was looking a little pointier in the croup. I finally brought her in from the pasture just last night. Her tail was NOT loose...there ws lots of resistence there. Her vulva was not loose and relaxed, but I thought it's better to be safe than sorry, so I brought her in.
I put the halter monitor on her, went out for "tuck-in" at 10:30. All was OK. I went to bed at about 1:00am, and all was OK. I slept in my own bed and room and thought if it goes off I will just go downstairs to look at the monitor. Next thing I knew, it was 8:20am. I commented on how considerate she was to let me have a good sleep. Went downstairs and looked at the monitor. She was laying there flat out and the beeper did not even go off! Not sure if it malfunctioned or if she just was timed so that she just laid down when I got up. But either way, I noticed she looked to be breathing fast short breaths. I grabbed the foaling kit and out to the barn I went.
Watched for awhile, and saw the waters break, the bubble appear, followed quite quickly bt the head and one leg...ONE leg! :new_shocked: I went in and tried finding the other, and I just couldn't. I ran to the house, hollered at my husband to come help NOW and take your ring and watch off too! He tried to find the leg too, and neither of us could.
I called the vet, her said he would get changed(was probably just ready to go to Easter Church service) and head out. We are an hour and a half away! He said to try pulling the foal like that. I tried pulling the mare into standing up, but no luck. We flipped her over, and I even helf her hind legs in the air for a bit to see if he could feel anything that way. Nothing! After trying hopelessly to get that other leg for what seemed like an eternity, we decided to do what the vet said, and pull. We had tried earlier, but it was like it would not come any firther than the head and one leg. FINALLY, with my pulling the leg, and my husband pulling the neck, we felt it "give" a little, and then we were able to pull the rest of the way. The leg was kind of tucked in and back...not straight back, but kind of folded up like a ckicken wing. AND, the foal was ALIVE!!!!!
She is a beautiful black pinto.
: She's my second keeper for the year!! Thank God she made it here alive, and that I had my husband here to help, as I know I never would have gotten her out on my own, and maybe by the time the vet arrived, it may have been too late!!
She is still unnamed as of yet. Too much excitement this morning. Taking me awhile to unwind My 4 year old grandson asked me what her name was. I told him I did not have a name for her yet. He asked me when I would, I said maybe by later on this afternoon. He said, "How about Jayleen...I like that name". So maybe that will have to be her "barn name".
Well, this has been a record for me, and I LOVED it! My whole foaling season from start to finish was April 1 to 16! Well, longer if you include a couple weeks mare stare before that, but the first foal was born April Fool's Day and the l;ast one today, on Easter Sunday!
This beauty was born this morning...maybe around 9:30. Things were kind of hectic with the delivery, so I never really looked at the time.
This mare's due date was April 16-22. She never started making bag until April 8, and that was the first signs. It was FAAAAAAR from what I consider ready, and I had not even had her in under camera! Then the last couple of days I noticed she was looking a little pointier in the croup. I finally brought her in from the pasture just last night. Her tail was NOT loose...there ws lots of resistence there. Her vulva was not loose and relaxed, but I thought it's better to be safe than sorry, so I brought her in.
I put the halter monitor on her, went out for "tuck-in" at 10:30. All was OK. I went to bed at about 1:00am, and all was OK. I slept in my own bed and room and thought if it goes off I will just go downstairs to look at the monitor. Next thing I knew, it was 8:20am. I commented on how considerate she was to let me have a good sleep. Went downstairs and looked at the monitor. She was laying there flat out and the beeper did not even go off! Not sure if it malfunctioned or if she just was timed so that she just laid down when I got up. But either way, I noticed she looked to be breathing fast short breaths. I grabbed the foaling kit and out to the barn I went.
Watched for awhile, and saw the waters break, the bubble appear, followed quite quickly bt the head and one leg...ONE leg! :new_shocked: I went in and tried finding the other, and I just couldn't. I ran to the house, hollered at my husband to come help NOW and take your ring and watch off too! He tried to find the leg too, and neither of us could.
I called the vet, her said he would get changed(was probably just ready to go to Easter Church service) and head out. We are an hour and a half away! He said to try pulling the foal like that. I tried pulling the mare into standing up, but no luck. We flipped her over, and I even helf her hind legs in the air for a bit to see if he could feel anything that way. Nothing! After trying hopelessly to get that other leg for what seemed like an eternity, we decided to do what the vet said, and pull. We had tried earlier, but it was like it would not come any firther than the head and one leg. FINALLY, with my pulling the leg, and my husband pulling the neck, we felt it "give" a little, and then we were able to pull the rest of the way. The leg was kind of tucked in and back...not straight back, but kind of folded up like a ckicken wing. AND, the foal was ALIVE!!!!!
She is a beautiful black pinto.

She is still unnamed as of yet. Too much excitement this morning. Taking me awhile to unwind My 4 year old grandson asked me what her name was. I told him I did not have a name for her yet. He asked me when I would, I said maybe by later on this afternoon. He said, "How about Jayleen...I like that name". So maybe that will have to be her "barn name".
Well, this has been a record for me, and I LOVED it! My whole foaling season from start to finish was April 1 to 16! Well, longer if you include a couple weeks mare stare before that, but the first foal was born April Fool's Day and the l;ast one today, on Easter Sunday!

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