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  1. E

    Overseas sales

    I think there was a rule change that AMHA is not allowing hardshipping overseas. I could be wrong but i think i remember that.
  2. E

    Our New Boy

    Nice lookin Colt. How tall is he? Esty
  3. E

    Best to the Best

    You know that it is not always ''the Champion'' Thats is the best in its class. In this very Political game the best horses isnt always the champ.
  4. E


    Strogid daily wormer used to offer colic surgery at no cost if you were on thier wormer and followed thier program with the vet, it would be cheaper than your insurance if they still have that program.
  5. E

    Wind Breaks for 4 x 8 door openings

    The best thing ever are the strips of clear plastic like the stores use for cold storage. They are inexpensive, clear, lets light in but keeps wind out. Try Farmtech online. Second choise is the strips at the front of the carwash, you can get them for free when they are being replaced.
  6. E

    Advice on Animark preg checker

    Hi, I am considering buying an animark Pregnancy checker and was wondering what folks experiences with it are? Thanks in Advance Ester
  7. E

    Do both parents have to be pinto?

    Do the sire and Dam have to be pinto for the foal to be homozygous ?
  8. E

    "Ag-doors" or "strip-doors" anyone have one or make one

    We have used the strips from a car wash, you know the ones that the car drives through. We got them from one that was being tore down. They are perfect. and FREE
  9. E


    Thanks, Now i also see it on the site.
  10. E


    Can someone please post the link to the webcam, I sure cant find it on the AMHA site. Thanks E
  11. E

    On easy entry cart where can I get white caps

    You can also use cane tips that you cab get at just about any store.
  12. E

    Rice Bran question

    Can someone help me with the daily amount of rice bran to ad to a minis diet to add a bit of weight and better coat, this is in addition to a well balanced diet. Thanks for any help.
  13. E


    its Important for a seller to find out the buyers price range, who wants to spend tons of time to find out they are looking for a pet and you only have a show horse or the other way around. I have inquired about several horses and have that question asked of me, which i gave them my price range...
  14. E


    Thanks That did clear it up.. It was the ads in the Jornal that had me confused.
  15. E


    Hi, Is the Amhr national show called The national show, or is it also now A World show as with amha? I was looking at some ads and was a bit confused on a few horses . Thanks Sue
  16. E

    Question on Liz Mcmillans Photo site

    I was looking at all the wonderful pics on Liz's site and wondering if anyone knows what the hotshoots are compared to the others. I noticed they all have her sig on them where the others dont. Thanks Esty
  17. E

    Looking for Rocking M miniatures

    Hi, I am looking for a website or farm information on Rocking M miniatures. I have no idea where they are located but i have seen several horses with that prefix and would like to see a saleslist/website.Any help would be great Thanks in Advance, Esty