Hi ,Can you tell me where I can read some more about the AMHR?
You made me curious.
And if what you say is true there may be more AMHR miniature horses comming into Europe in the near future and my husband and I like to know as much as possible about the horses we transport.![]()
Hello,I have shown both AMHA and AMHR and the one thing I have found with AMHR is that they are a pony club with a Miniature registry. Pony people run this club, not Miniature horse people. I have nothing against AMHR, I only have the time and resources to show one registry, (all of my horses are double registered) but I decided to go AMHA because it is a Miniature horse club for only Miniature horses.
Last I knew BOTH registries are HEIGHT registries. [i do show both and all my horses are double registered.] There are also quite a few aspc/amhr/amha horses registered in this country. Plus I would much rather compete and win in a class that has 70 plus entries than 30. It may be easier to qualify to show at AMHR nationals but it is much more difficult to WIN at AMHR nationals.
Ok, guess you did not see my post ??? Can you please tell me the ONE board member who is the Miniature breeder ?? Because I think there are several !! I am a board member , And last I knew I was considered a Miniature breeder. Lee Dill is on the board, not sure she has ever bred anything other than Miniatures and dogs.. Dolores Williams she is a Minature Breeder , Jim Curry a board member , Miniature Breeder , Laurie Villalpando miniature breeder, Ray Kovarik, Miniature breeder..[
You could not be on the board in AMHR unless you had been breeding and showing Ponies for at least 5 years. They would not let a Miniature person on the board. Recently in the last few years I have heard they have allowed one Miniature breeder on the board, so the club is still run by and judged by pony people and pony judges.
I have nothing against Shetlands either, but if I wanted to breed Ponies I would be ASPC and At the Shetland Classics. I want to breed Miniature horses in the under 34" height, so I have chosen AMHA to be where I show. That does not make one club better than the other, nor does it make the AMHR Nationals Better than the AMHA Worlds because they have more entries. They just have more entries because no one has to qualify, so therefore the classes are bigger, it does not make them harder to win.
As I said, I am not pitting one against the other. And neither club is better than the other. I just prefer AMHA. I have actually been to more AMHR Nationals than AMHA World shows and one of my stallions is a AMHR Reserve National Champion in halter, as well as one of my mares who is also a Reserve National Champion in Single Pleasure Driving. I do have to admitt that I have not been to a AMHR National for the last 3 years, so perhaps it has changed some. I also found that when I went to the AMHR shows, if it came down to a Mini or a pony, the pony always won. That too could have changed in the last few years.Hello,I have shown both AMHA and AMHR and the one thing I have found with AMHR is that they are a pony club with a Miniature registry. Pony people run this club, not Miniature horse people. I have nothing against AMHR, I only have the time and resources to show one registry, (all of my horses are double registered) but I decided to go AMHA because it is a Miniature horse club for only Miniature horses.
Without getting into a big debate and trying to pit one against the other , May I say in regards to the Qualifying statement , I can go to ONE show ONE weekend and qualify for AMHA !!Last year I went to a show in Oklahoma ,very small show, I took 6 horses and all of them qualified to go to Worlds that weekend.. !! Yes AMHR you do not have to qualify with points , but you have to show Under 4 judges at TWO different locations .. So not sure where you feel there is so much difference . AND how is AMHA (in a quote from you ) (Thus eliminating hundreds of horses. ) And also not sure when the last time you attended AMHR Nationals , but for the most part our classes are over no later than Midnight . We also have the great Midnight rule.. So there are no WEE hours of the morning..![]()
Next to address your statement of ""Pony People run this Registry"" That is a very incorrect statement, Our board several years ago opened up the Director seats and now we have one Pony seat and one Open seat from every area.. Thus we have about a equal mix of Miniature and Pony representatives that sit on the Board .. And the AMHR registry is For MINIATURE Horses ..
If it has been some time since you attended AMHR Nationals maybe you ought to try it again , I think you will see the competition is extremely tuff , and the people are really having a great time..
I believe our industry has room for both organizations and we have to stop pitting one against the other.. In this day and time most people are active in both .. And One is NO better than the other.. I think that they both have their place and both are great for the Miniature Horses..
Not sure I would compare them to WestminsterAMHA eliminates the ones that can not win or only get lower places with little competition. Thus, less entries for their World show. They are run more like an AKC dog show, like Westminster, where one has to qualify to get to that show. Which is what I am most used to, so perhaps that is why I prefer AMHA. Not everyone can go to one or two shows and get their horses qualified for the AMHA World show.
Again, this does not make one registry better than the other. But AMHR has to stop talking about how hugh their Nationals are when there is no qualifying.