Best to the Best

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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The overpopulation thread brought this to mind. It is always said breed the best to the best. I really doubt that all breeders on this forum own the best or perhaps its just how do we determine the best? To me the best would be a National Champion but can I afford to buy a National Champion probably NOT so do I stop breeding since I cant buy a National Champion? Do all of you who breed own a Natioinal Champion? I know some do and we are trying to buy offspring of those who do but do you personally breed with a National Champion or do you have some other criteria regarding what is best? Should those of us who dont have National Champion stallions stop breeding?
Not me! Not even close!

Unless by "the best" you mean "the best on at scarfing down munchies at this address", or "the best at looking like a big puff ball in the morning on this property" or maybe "the best as giving mom kisses... in mom's opinion". In which case both of mine are the best.

Which is why mine aren't being bred, since I don't think there is a big call for large appetites and fluffy winter hair coats in minis. There may be some demand for good horsey kissers though.
IMO (don't kill me for this) National Champion does not = the best. Who is to say WHAT is the BEST? If the breed can show me a picture (Artist Rendition) and say "THIS IS WHAT THE BEST IS" "THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BREED" Then I would say National Champion DOES = the best. National Champions of the 70's do not look like the National Champions of today because there is NO standard besides size.
Mine too!!

----And a horse doesn't have to be a national champion to be a great producer. I have a mare here that is always overweight no matter what I do and looks like a little tank. She gives me the most refined and well put together babies. Her foals are my best year after year. Do I get a lot of offers on her?? No. Would I ever sell her if I did? No. Are my horses producing the type of foals that I'm striving for? We're getting there. And it's been 20+ years going at it. Why should only National Champions reproduce?? If you have a horse that's producing quality then go for it. Not every horse is going to come out looking like the Bay Prince even if it does have 2 National Champion parents. That's just the way it goes. And different people like different things in horses. So NO there can never be a standard for quality because everyone will disagree. If you have horses that you feel will produce what you expect them to and they are creating a good market for you and you can care for them even if you can't sell them then why not breed? I think every breeder should ask themselves this questions before breeding: "Will I be able to love and care for the foals for years in case I can not sell them?"

If you can answer yes to that question then why not breed?
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NO NO NO....

MINE are the BEST!!!

And better yet...They ALL AGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I may not have the best, but they are the best I have, and I am trying my best to produce some quality horses, and whether that is liked, or accepted by all, I really don't care, because it is what I am doing, what I choose to do, and what I LOVE to do.
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Not me! Not even close!

Unless by "the best" you mean "the best on at scarfing down munchies at this address", or "the best at looking like a big puff ball in the morning on this property" or maybe "the best as giving mom kisses... in mom's opinion". In which case both of mine are the best.

Which is why mine aren't being bred, since I don't think there is a big call for large appetites and fluffy winter hair coats in minis. There may be some demand for good horsey kissers though.
Wow! What a great post!

I feel the love......and I love the honesty.
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I think there are some overlooked things in this kind of topic. Ill try to explain short and sweet. There are many AWESOME stallions and mares that for one reason or another could not show (eye injury, illness as a youngster etc) but they have produced national champions. I could name them but I wont maybe those farms will come post them but there are many out there. Alot of times you will see stallions that although they do not have a national champion win they are named SUPERIOR SIRE. TO ME a get of a superior sire carries much more weight then a national top ten win. Because we all know that what wins at nationals is always changing. But a stallion that can get superior sire has proven that he is CONSISTENT in what he throws over many years not just one show season.

And on the flip side there are many awesome mares that dont have titles but produce winners consistently or have superior dam titles

I feel very blessed to own horses out of superior sires, national champions etc. But I also feel very blessed for the ones i have that although they have no championships produce what I like consistently. To me that is just as important.

so that is my criteria.
It's one thing to love your horses. I think we ALL love our horses. I love mine -- from my grade gelding who will never show to the couple who can claim National Champion to their bragging rights. However, when it comes to deciding who should reproduce, how much you love them really shouldn't be a factor in my opinion. They don't need to be national champions to be worthy of reproducing (again, my opinion -- as I know it so well), but they should be correct as a start. For me personally, I only have horses I feel are show quality in my breeding program because that is what I feel good about. And, I love them beyond words.
You know that it is not always ''the Champion'' Thats is the best in its class. In this very Political game the best horses isnt always the champ.
PEOPLE, honestly....MINE are the best

All kidding aside, breeding the best to the best really is only trying to encourage to breed SOUND horses to SOUND horses.

What I may breed may not be acceptable to someone else. I honestly do believe that if you are not exhibiting your animals and having them evaluated PROFESSIONALLY by judges at shows, then breeding just to have a foal may not be the best choice for the problem at hand. Breeders on the other hand, need to look at their stock if it ain't producing stop breeding it!

If it's bred at my house, it's an animal that's been shown or who's get is being shown and is an example of something I would be proud to put my name on. But again that comes down to personal preference and how fogged the barn googles are in each situation for each person. I see horses advertised all the time that I wouldn't own but others would.

Oh, and I do have a National champion who has produced a national champion (granted it was color but it still counts right?

I think that more people need to take a closer look at their animals and compare them to the breed standard. Then ask yourself, "Does it improve the breed or does it pull the breed down?" It's a hard question to answer honestly because we all love our horses, but sometimes the things we do is for our own selfishness.
Its funny, the people who are all about "Only breed to the best, the only goal is to make things better, blah blah blah" Where are they? Why aren't they posting on this thread???

Great Post!!!
Its funny, the people who are all about "Only breed to the best, the only goal is to make things better, blah blah blah" Where are they? Why aren't they posting on this thread???

Great Post!!!
I posted. I am someone who aims to breed for show quality, not pet quality.
I posted this to find out what each forum member based their best to the best criteria on this is assuming your horses are sound no illness or major problems that make them lame or a bite bad enough to inhibit them or some other problem that makes them unsound. The population thread made me ask this question as I think that definitions often cause a problem on this forum so here's your chance what is your definition of best to the best.
Actually I own, breed, and show the best and I can back it up. I have the Best husband and the Best kids too as I married the Best. No fooling, my stallion and one of my mares are multi National Grand Champions and all of the other horses on this property are either national champion or top ten or muti supreme horses, but the best part on how I can prove it is MY LAST NAME IS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus today is my birthday and so far its been the BEST!!!
Well, I know
WE have to have the BEST!
Otherwise why else would we be going through all this work :DOH!
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Well I think I have the best minis for me! Whether I choose to breed them or not is up to me and no one else. I love great conformation and disposition is very important to me. Mine may not be the best to someone who is very judgemental but I really don't care what judgemental people think. I like what I have and they bring me pleasure and make my day. I don't have to breed for the next Halter National Champion because it is not important to me to have titles and no need to brag about what my horses win. If I really wanted a National Champion I know how easy it would be to go out and buy one...just not my thing.
Great thread! Mary
am someone who aims to breed for show quality, not pet quality.
Jill, I agree with your statement, but also want to add that I do not breed for "pet quality", but just because I choose not to show, or to buy only horses that have been shown and/or have show records, does not automatically equal breeding for pet quality.

I also do not mean to incinuate that you were saying this directly to me, and I am not saying it directly to you, just using your quote as it made me think of another point I wanted to mention.

Actually I own, breed, and show the best and I can back it up. I have the Best husband and the Best kids too as I married the Best. No fooling, my stallion and one of my mares are multi National Grand Champions and all of the other horses on this property are either national champion or top ten or muti supreme horses, but the best part on how I can prove it is MY LAST NAME IS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus today is my birthday and so far its been the BEST!!!

LOL...GREAT response, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! BTW...did you get my PM??
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Happy Birthday.
You certainly are the BEST! Mary

Actually I own, breed, and show the best and I can back it up. I have the Best husband and the Best kids too as I married the Best. No fooling, my stallion and one of my mares are multi National Grand Champions and all of the other horses on this property are either national champion or top ten or muti supreme horses, but the best part on how I can prove it is MY LAST NAME IS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus today is my birthday and so far its been the BEST!!!

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