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  1. C

    It's a Baby!!

    :aktion033: Success!! It took her about 3 hours to find what she was looking for. This was an amazing experience (my first, Tacoma's first too). I was watching my web cam at work at noticed she was rubbing her butt on the stall, layed down and her legs flexed out. I dropped everything and...
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    It's a Baby!!

    My maiden mare just foaled a beautiful little sorrel pinto (not sure yet if colt or filly) about an hour 1 hour ago. How long should it take for the sweetie pie to nurse. She's flitting about the stall and sorta kinda trying to, but when is it a concern?????
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    No luck at all,.....

    We bought ours at Sam's Club or Costco. Very inexpensive and works great!
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    Little America's????

    Well Hello Tony!! Thank you so much for this information! This is absolutely so cool to know the history behind San Miguel. I don't know if you're familiar with Quicksilver Ranch, but it's a wonderful farm and all of their horses are loved and cherished. San Miguel has 20 acres of beautiful...
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    Little America's????

    I've bred my maiden mare to a stallion at Quicksilver Ranch in Solvang, CA. He is Little America's San Miguel. Has anyone heard of this farm name and if so, I'd just like to see where he's from!
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    Tell me about your experience with maidens

    With 2 maiden mares at 322 & 301 days....I'd like to know what "grasshopper legs" are?
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    Another Milk Test Question

    Where do I get the test strips and is there a trick to performing the milking when the mare is "testy" when I get remotly clost to touching her bag?
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    Mortality Rate For Maiden Mares???

    I suppose I read to much and am now terrified from hearing about all the foal losses. My two maiden mares are due any time now and I was wondering in the experience of this forum, what the mortality rate is for maidens? This is my first experience in breeding and am hoping it's not going to be...
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    Bran Mash Recipe??

    I've read that it's nice to give your mare a warm bran mash after foaling. I've never given my mares a bran mash and was wondering what type of bran and how much you give them. Thanks for the help, my mares are due any day now and I'm getting nervous! :
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    HERE IS THE BIRTHING POLLPOLL OUTCOME!!! I TOOK 60 BIRTH TIMES AND CAME UP WITH THE FOLLOWING STATS!! 18 out of 60 were born between 11:00 pm and 3:00 am (30%) : 34 out of 60 were born between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am (56%) : 26 out of 60 were born between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm (44%) ...
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    What are your Mares Birth Times????

    The books I've read say that 80% of Mares foal from 11:00pm through 3:00am. What are your birth times???
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    Foal Alert Systems...Is One Better Than The Other??

    We're going to be investing in a foaling alert system and want to know if there is any preference between the Breeder Alert and Equipage systems? Is there any difference in your experiences? Pros and Cons of each system? Your opinions would be appreciated since this is an expensive...
  13. C

    Anyone heard anything about STALL DRY killing minis?

    I'd be interested to know also because I just started using it. Not in the whole stall area, just on pee spots and where they always poop. It's great stuff, but by girls come first!
  14. C

    How big should foaling stall be?

    Thank you all. You confirmed that I need to definately go bigger.
  15. C

    How big should foaling stall be?

    my husband and I are out measuring to build a foaling stall. In a perfect world I would like to have a larger one, but with the existing structure, we've come up with 5' 8" in width and 9' in length. Is this going to be deep enough?
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    Need a Farrier

    Does Anyone Know of a Farrier in the Pasadena area of California? I only need my mini's hooves trimmed every 4 months or so and havn't been able to locate the farrier I've been using.
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    Another Foal Question

    Thank you all. As usual, great advice!
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    Another Foal Question

    Living in Southern California, the spring nights will normally be in the 50's, coldest probably 40's. When our foals arrive in April, would we need to have a foal blanket?
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    Early Shedding Out on Pregnant Mare?

    THANKS!! They're Normal!
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    Early Shedding Out on Pregnant Mare?

      I have a mare that is pregnant for the first time and due on Easter. We live in Southern California and it has been unusually warm, but mixed up with rainy weather. I don't think it's been any different than any other winter we've had, but in the last week, she has started shedding out...