No luck at all,.....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
Every Canadian website that I went to , the cams for sale there,..had too short of a cord or was well over 200 dollars,....

Soo,....I went to a couple US sites and all of them said that they couldnt ship to Canada,.....

I have 160.00 dollars,.....To cover a cam,..with,..shipping,.....

looking for a wireless with its own monitor,,..I called every department store in Regina,....

Any ideas????? I thought about Ebay,.....but,...after Foxy's halter incident I am too scared to try there.
I have a wirless set that came with a monitor and a camera. I think the range is about 300 feet. Works great!! Bought it last year for I think about $139.00. I did see cheaper ones out there. Have you tried Radio Shack, Best Buy or Circuit City's web sites? Or do a google search for wireless security camera.
Hi,..thanks,....I just tried Best Buy,..... Have been doing the google searches as well,...

I even tried Staples
: ,......I think I did try Radio Shack,..cant remember,..LOL I will look again though.

I will try Circuit City,..right now,..Thanks again,..Terri :saludando:
We have gotten several off e-bay with no problems. Try Niche Marketing International, I think they are in Canada. Phone # is 905-670-4700. We reached them on e-bay. When using e-bay it pays to check their feedback first to see what kind of track record they have.
I use Ebay alot, only got took a couple times. I just bought one off of Ebay, waiting now for it to arrive. With shipping, it's $179. 4 cameras, color, wireless, no monitor though, you need a tv but theres alot of them on ebay, different styles, go with someone that has good feed back and you'd be pretty safe. All those wire ones only come with 60 ft of wire and to buy more, if you can even find it, is expensive. I have a 4 camera wire ones down to my barn, 300 ft away but we bought phone wire and Nate had to do splicing, big pain in the butt but it works!

I'm using a wireless camera system I got at Radio Shack (at least this year). It comes with a 5" black/white monitor and 1 wireless camera. Both units come with an AC adapter so you can plug them in. Two years ago we paid $99 for the system. I bought an additional camera and it can switch from one to the other every 8 seconds. So far it is working great. We bought it to be able to watch the horses in the trailer when we are traveling.

My setup is this: My foaling stalls are in my metal garage. It is about 30' from my house where I have the monitor. I've taken the monitor as far as 50' away from the camera without issues.
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Circuit City WONT ship to Canada,.....

Radio Shack,.....the wireless online models are ALL out of stock,..Never checked to see if they would deliver to Canada or not.

and the ebay store you mentioned,....I did a search for it on Ebay,..and it came up with 0 results,....

I want a camera sooo bad

Minimule,.....I do believe that is the one I was looking at ,...sooo,..I hit ,..Add to cart,...but,.....It said out of stock.

Marnie,..So I can use a phone cable???,.....I wasnt sure if I could or not,....yes,..the actual extra cable is VERY expensive,.....

I was sorta hoping for one with its own monitor,......Fred and the girls would kill me if I hooked it up to the ONLY TV we have,....LOL
: :lol:
If you go on EBAY and write in Security Camera or Security System, alot come up. You can add wireless to your search or wire security system. Hundreds if not thousands will come up for you to check out. I'm not sure what you're writing in but I know theres alot there.
We bought ours at Sam's Club or Costco. Very inexpensive and works great!
Foxy.... did you try The Source (which is what Radio Shack in Canada became)?? There is a store locator section there as well... and they have LOTS of wireless camera stuff.... HERE!
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Hi Terri,

Ok I just went on the site where I got my cameras. They are the X-10 cameras. They have a 3 for 1 package deal, that's the one we have, and all kinds of other deals.

I called them and they do ship to Canada.

My cameras work great, they are wireless, and I have them hooked to my TV. My barn is about 150 feet from my house.

Here is a link to the page for the camera we have, it's $80 for the one camera kit.

Link::: XCam2

Hope This Helps!

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