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  1. Voodoo

    Grooming question

    I did a search on Shapleys MTG, but it didn't really answer my question so I thought I'd post and ask you all your personal opinions. I have a few horses that just don't have the amount of hair that I like to see on them so as much good as I've heard about MTG I decided to give it a try. So my...
  2. Voodoo

    Lets See Your Pairs Horses....

    I know everyone has seen mine like a million times before, but here are a few of them. They aren't a perfect match, but it is as close as I could get with two pintos. They are 31.75" and 32" tall so good there. If only Coop (driving on the left) was a little darker :
  3. Voodoo


    I have to admit that is a tough one. I never really had an allowance as a kid, but there was always a list of chores on the counter, ie..... Sweep shop $.25 Clean horse stalls $.50 each stall Sweep kitchen floor $.15 Now as kids our parents didn't expect perfection in the chores, but rather...
  4. Voodoo

    I'm finally back

    I know you were kidding, but I can roll with it right :bgrin . Any way my work is so far beyond boring that boring doesn't cover it : . I've mostly been roping at the ones that aren't too far away. I've been winning a little so it's good so far. My Dad and I are planning a fun vacation...
  5. Voodoo

    I'm finally back

    I don't have a dream home all picked out yet (unless you count the one in my head : ), but I am looking so when I find a home you all will get lots of pictures and updates, and you will be so sick of me that I'll probably get banned. Same goes for if I get a cowboy roped and tied down : any...
  6. Voodoo

    Some New pics of cassidy's lessons

    Great pictures : thanks for sharing. She looks like she's having a wonderful time : :
  7. Voodoo

    I'm finally back

    Yep, I'm sorta back, my visits will be rather sporadic (sp?), but I'll be around a little. I'm still working on the handsome cowboy thing :bgrin who would have thought it would be easier to sell a horse for $20,000 than find a cowboy to drag home : : . Any way it's good to be back talking...
  8. Voodoo

    I'm finally back

    Well, I just got home and I am stunned by all that I have missed. Marty, Dan, and Jerry, please accept my condolences for what you have all gone through and are still going through (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to all of you and may justice prevail for you all through everything : If you ever...
  9. Voodoo

    Hand - Eye Coordination...

    Very nice, I'm impressed :aktion033:
  10. Voodoo

    Going off on another thread....

    I don't know if it counts to use "rodeo" termenology, but if so a horse that acts up is known as a "dink" or "beggar", if you rope well you are "ropey" or "wolfy" if you ride a horse well you are "stickey". Spurs are known as "gut hooks"or "rib wrenches", a horse that works awesome is a "bad...
  11. Voodoo

    I'm leaving again

    Hey all I was just letting everyone know that I have to go out of town for a few weeks again. I am hoping to be back by the first part of July, but with my business you just never know : . I guess it's ok though as my computer has to go see the Dr. any way . I'll be back before you know it...
  12. Voodoo

    Don't want to be a whiny baby, but ILL again

    I'm so sorry you are going through this right now. Lots of ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) and prayers : coming your way, I hope things start looking up for you in the near future and everything works out for the best. If ever you need anything you know we are always here for you.
  13. Voodoo

    Calling All

    See that's the thing I can't click on any of the pictures to the left to allow it to change the picture on the small "preview" screen. I also can't click on "browse" or "position". They aren't "lit up" like they should be so absolutely nothing happens when I click on any of the pictures I want...
  14. Voodoo

    My fathers Arabian ...

    At least they all went to a wonderful home together : Isn't Lexus a "big" horse even though she's only a yearling? I'm sure they'll be happy and that's great that you can go see them.
  15. Voodoo

    Grazing time

    I agree with rabbit, sadly I don't have the luxury of grass here, but before we moved they were out 24/7. I never had a problem at all.
  16. Voodoo

    RFD TV doing a mini show

    Oh man, I have got to start getting that channel. There have been several times I've heard of things that were going to be showing on there and I couldn't watch :no:
  17. Voodoo

    filly for Timberview

    She is gorgeous, I bet she'll be spoiled either way : and with good reason, look at those big doe eyes :
  18. Voodoo

    Crescendo's little filly

    What a doll, it looks like she is storing up some fat for the coming cold season :bgrin . BTW I love your pasture and trees, very pretty :
  19. Voodoo

    New pictures of "Ericas Pocket Change"

    He sure is growing up fast, what a hadsome young man you have there :
  20. Voodoo

    Calling All

    Kay, I did a complete virus, adaware, and spyware scan with Norton anti-virus as well as Lavasoft. They found nothing, do I need to take it in to see the computer doctor?