filly for Timberview

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
Le Grand, Iowa

After having five colts it was such fun to have a filly finally! This is Timberviews Miss Sugar Bottom. We have three more foals due and if she is the only filly just think of how spoiled this little doll will be. Thanks for letting us share.
She is gorgeous, I bet she'll be spoiled either way
: and with good reason, look at those big doe eyes

You have the most gorgeous babies!! What a doll she is. :)

Susan O.
Well geez, you know me! Being a snowcap admirer I just have to comment how PRETTY she is and look at those looooong legs! Congratulations!!!
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Big congrats!!! She sure is cute!!! Its so wonderful when they arrive all fancy colored.
What a VEERY pretty girl :aktion033:

Many congratulations! And may the filly fairy visit you several more time this year

So now I have to ask, with all these new pretty foals to show off, when are ya gonna update your website? lol! I visit there all the time hoping to see new 2006 faces and still there's none =(
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don't faint but ....our website will be updated fairly soon. We have a photo shoot scheduled around the 15th of this month and with those pics and some we have taken we should have a lot of new pictures and info! If Jean our webmaster reads this it will get her prepared! ha! Family had to come first this past year and we like to have nice pictures so had to wait a bit. Thanks for checking out our site and hopefully will have a website that is enjoyable for visitors. Lavonne
VERY cute little girl and I too am waiting for a site update!!! Let us know when it's done!
Beautiful girl :aktion033: :aktion033: And just think I'll get to see her in person next week
: I am looking forward to the shoot I think were going to have ablast :bgrin
:aktion033: Congratulations! She is gorgeous!! :aktion033:

I had to laugh, I just LOVE her name and then I see her and isn't she just all that and more! I love her pretty face and that color and nice long legs! She's a keeper!
"CONGRATULATIONS!" What a precious little doll "Timberviews Miss Sugar Bottom!" is!!!

Cute nane for an adorable baby!

I will always have a special place in my heart for the appys!!!

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