Well-Known Member
Well, I just got home and I am stunned by all that I have missed. Marty, Dan, and Jerry, please accept my condolences for what you have all gone through and are still going through (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to all of you and may justice prevail for you all through everything
: If you ever need anything fell free to call on me and you will all be in my thoughts and prayers
While I was gone to work Norm (click here for original post on this)called me and said that he really wanted to buy my horse, I didn't really want to sell, but he told me to name my price and that he'd love him lots
: . Any way I told him I'd think on it and tell him when I got back from work. Well, I really do need the money so I told him $20,000 just the magical number you know :lol: any way he said that was fine so I hauled the horse to California for him to ride. I was there 4 days and he was positive he wanted him so off to the vet check, verdict -clean-. So I am now one horse less, some dollars more, and still very sad
: . He really is in a gorgeous place out there with beautiful barns, green grass, trees, running water, and a very loving new owner.
I am still roping alot, and not home much so I probably won't be on much, but I'll post some here and there
: . I am gone so much that I have also decided to sell my minis, because as much as I love them they just aren't getting the attention they deserve any more :no: . I've made some big decisions here lately to buy my own place, own a few less horses, work more etc...... and I just don't have time for everything I used to do (oh the joys of growing up
: ) any way here are a few pictures of my horse in his new pretty barn. That pretty much catches you all up on my boring life :lol:
and a few of the barn that I'd love to own (still need that drooling smiley :bgrin )

While I was gone to work Norm (click here for original post on this)called me and said that he really wanted to buy my horse, I didn't really want to sell, but he told me to name my price and that he'd love him lots

I am still roping alot, and not home much so I probably won't be on much, but I'll post some here and there

and a few of the barn that I'd love to own (still need that drooling smiley :bgrin )