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  1. S

    When To Geld???

    My little man has been acting like a stud since he was 3 weeks old. He will be 3 months this week. He's at the point where he looks like he could get the job done now. I went to the vet & he said it was to hot to geld him now & that he wouldn't be fertile at this time. He recommended not gelding...
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    The mare's name is Tiny Hooves Holly Dun It. Would like to know date of foaling, pedigree, & who the breeder is. She is AMHR registered. Thanks for any info you can find on her. :saludando:
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    I have the knick knacks #4900. I never got an address to send them to who bought them. :saludando:
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    Did anyone else get this email?

    I got that email. :saludando:
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    gelding colts....

    I want to get other replies. I have one that will definately be gelded. I was going to wait until 4-6 mos. What about the heat? My little guy won't be 1 month until July 7th. If I have to wait until 2 mos, that will be August 7th. :saludando:
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    Mares Not Showing their Pregnancy...

    OOPS! :o I had a mare foal this morning that I just noticed she looked like she was getting a bag. She was not fat & her bag was not that full. :saludando:
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    theres gotta be an easier way??

    I jusy use Show Touch Up. I just need to cover sun burned area. Just a small area. :saludando:
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    After all the colts born this year, my mare MI SWEET DREAMS (MOONLIGHT) has foaled another filly. Thats 5 for 5 fillies. :aktion033: :worshippy: My other mare had a colt. :saludando:
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    Lost One

    Sorry about little Rosey. She is free & running with all her other friends. :saludando:
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    Does anyone have a dwarf?

    There is a website for dwarves. I have 2 dwarves. They are given 2 supplements. They get Vita Flex MSM & Glucosamine 99S. :saludando:
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    Please lookup pedigree, also if they show all owners that have owned her. Her reg name is CIRCLE R CHAMPAGNE N LACE. Thanks for doing it. :saludando:
  12. S

    Does anyone watch babies after........

    Every year I put the camera up the begining of March & keep it up to watch the babies. It's funny in the middle of the night when they wake up & will be running & bucking around not having any idea of the time of the day. :aktion033:
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    The first one is AMHA & AMHR reg. His name is Mountain High's Black Jack. The other I think is only AMHA reg. His name is Heerman's Destroyer Mini Bomber. Looking for pedigree, foals & current owner. Thanks for any info. :saludando:
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    How many minis do you have?

    I have 7 minis, 2 due to foal on 10 acres. 8 acres are pasture. Also have 9 banty chickens that graze during the day. :bgrin :saludando:
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    Vaccination shelf life

    I always go in with my horsey friends and buy the 10 dose vials. That way its cheaper. :aktion033: I also only buy enough for what I will use within the year. :saludando:
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    Someone please look into both registries for BICKELS BUTTERSCOTCH KING. Looking for any foals reg by him. Thanks in advance. :saludando:
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    Her name is Eeyores Dainty Darlin. Would like to know if she has any foals. :saludando:
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    Meadowbrook Carts! Does anyone use them for Show?

    If you have to sell a cart. I'm looking for an Easy Entry cart for a mini. Email me if your going to sell it. :saludando:
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    mini horse related

    Hope things go well. I will still like a sketch. No rush. :saludando: