Well-Known Member
:aktion033: I received this from Tanya at IHSF yesterday. I want to personally thank Tanya and Steph who graciously donated so much of their time in running the special Auctions set up for this special fundraising project. Below is the message I received a couple of days ago, so I believe there may be a few things that monies have been received for, since the time it was written, buy hey, LOOK at that grand total!! THANK YOU EVERYONE that helped in any and every way, to make this such a huge success!! By this, I mean all of you folks that banned together in our time of need, to donate, to buy, to sell, to make donations, send prayers, and any and all other acts of compassion for the Garrison family. You guys really and truely are a wonderful group of people, and I thank you all!

Dear Mona & Mary Lou,
Below are the current standings of all our efforts on behalf of the Garrison Family, through Lil Beginnings Forum Family, LB/LC Auctions & IHSF, Inc.
Please review, and post however you feel best appropriate to keep everyone informed as we progress in these efforts.
Listings Confirmed Paid by PayPal:
4912-Photo Session - World Class Show, NC, Only
4903-Clipper Blade Sharpening
4904-Set of 4 Lead Ropes
4900-Knick Knacks
4906-Set of 4 Horse Mugs
4905-Set of 4 Horse Mugs
4886-Wireless Barn Cam
4898-2006 Colt
4894-Breeding to Buckeroo Son
4896-Dog Bandanna Cooler (Winner requests a blue one.)
4893-Flying A About Face
4897-Horse Note Cards
4878-Stud Service Silver Plates Stoli
4879-Stud Service THR Justa Pistol Piper
4877-Stud Service TMM Destinys Daily Double
4852-Parade Outfit
4883-Purple Foal Halter
4866-Stallion Book
4865-Stud Service BHR JCs Geshan
4854-Body Sleezy
4863-Pony Halter
4855-Sleezy Hood
4858-Stud Service Buck On Armondo Blues
4847-Blanket, Blue
4846-Blanket, Burg
4845-Child Artwork
4844-Child Artwork
4842-$50.00 Gift Certificate to Ozark Mountain Tack
4841-$25.00 Gift Certificate to Ozark Mountain Tack
4848-Dirty Holly
4843-$50.00 Gift Certificate to Ozark Mountain Tack
4839-$25.00 Gift Certificate to Ozark Mountain Tack
4837-Monty's Pal
4838-$25.00 Gift Certificate to Ozark Mountain Tack
4840-$25.00 Gift Certificate to Ozark Mountain Tack
CURRENT TOTAL: $3,497.86
Listings Confirmed Paid by Credit Card:
4892-Stud Service - Flight of Fancys Great Expectations
4853-Stud Service -
4851-Body Sleeve
(This amount has already been distributed to the Garrison Family.)
Listings Confirmed Paid by Money Order:
4859-Web Site
4849-Live Plants
Listings Confirmed Paid by Check, (*But, still PENDING due to out of state bank hold):
4850-Body Sleeve
Listings w/Winning Bid Match:
4865-Stud Service BHR JC's Geshan
Listings Still Outstanding:
4902-Stud Service - Rio Bella Farms Rogues Santana
4901-FM Radio
4895-Pet Travel Bowl
4884-Pink Foal Halter
4885-Size 32 Blanket
4857-Piggy Banks
4835-Montys Pal
4836-Montys Pal
Of the listings still outstanding, many have acknowledged their intentions by Check/MO through the mail. We will post notification once receipts of them are confirmed.
Extra Independent Contributions Received through PayPal:
[SIZE=36pt]$5251.58[/SIZE] :aktion033:
Also, we have received a couple more donations to post to auction on behalf of Martys Family that have been listed under username IHSF on the LB Last Chance Auction. We would love to continue all efforts for however long folks hearts are lead to contribute.
Hugs & Prayers,
Tanya Belasky ISHF, Inc.