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  1. Becky Horat

    French Tugs vs Wrap Straps

    Yes. Most of our harnesses have wrap straps. I invested in a nice CDE type harness for the trail driving we do. I don't like the way the shafts "float" in the shaft loops. We are very cautious in balancing our carts and check and adjust them regularly for each horse. I finally added a simple...
  2. Becky Horat

    Got my catalog now for more questions about mini carts ? Brakes yes or no ? along with a few other q

    I had also asked this question about brakes on a 2 wheel cart when we were cart shopping. I can see why brakes are certainly not safe in the situation of a run a way. I do regret not getting brakes for one type of driving with our Minis. Steep hills. We have some trails and there are a few hills...
  3. Becky Horat

    Dog chasing horses

    This should be brought up with your local Animal Control. This should be their responsibility. Usually it's taken very seriously of any "off leashed" dog harassing livestock. We've had dealings in the past. Check your local laws, but if you are going to shoot the dog, it must be directly in the...
  4. Becky Horat

    Driving obstacle class

    This is such a fun class. Some of the obstacles I've had or seen are: Hula Hoop: Pivot with one wheel in the hoop (360 degrees) Tarp w/ potted flowers around edges to trot over (I use $1 store flowers for this) Back thru PVC poles set at just a few inches of clearance of your cart width. 2...
  5. Becky Horat

    Which Mini To Use For Driving

    A "calm" attitude would be my first choice. Also height is a factor. I like the bigger ones, in most cases. Although there are some smaller ones that pull just fine too. But attitude is extremely important for a driving horse, especially if you'll be drivig around traffic or on trail rides, etc.
  6. Becky Horat

    Modifying an open bridle

    Zip ties attached to the browband (where it attaches to headstall) work for loops to run a side check through. Just make sure to not have sharp edges on the zip ties when cut excess.
  7. Becky Horat

    Showing a mini with underbite + bit Q...

    We did just as you are doing. We were looking for a safe/sane driving horse for our trails and hillls at our place. Showing wasn't our concern when we found our little gelding. When we first saw him, I checked his bite and he had a slight under bite. We immediately saw that his disposition...
  8. Becky Horat

    Did I just mess up?

    A quick fix for muddy situations is rubber mats. We have hauled in lots and lots of white sand/base. (it's not actually white sand) It works great in No. California. It eventually packs down and we have almost NO mud in most of our pens. But, we have had to set up some pens in the Fall and...
  9. Becky Horat

    Difference between Side & Over Check

    Thank you. This is mostly what I see in the obvious differences. I have felt more comfortable with the side check as to not restrict the flexion as much. I see so many use the over check, including the Classic division, and am curious as to why. I hear a lot mentioned on horses like to...
  10. Becky Horat

    Difference between Side & Over Check

    I know this is a very sore subject for a lot of people. But I would like feedback from those that USE checks for breed show driving. I am interested in your opinion between the side check and over check and getting the "most" out of your horse with these checks. What do you prefer? I know it...
  11. Becky Horat

    Shaving Heads and Necks in the Winter

    Another suggestion that I do is use the blade attachements. These usually come as a set of plastic combs that attach to your blades. Sometimes used on human hair or most likely used in dog grooming. These will leave a longer length of hair. Works great for just cleaning them up and not...
  12. Becky Horat

    Dr. Cook bitless bridle for driving?

    The only people I've heard wanting to use a bitless bridle are horses that they have troubles finding the corrrect bit. I too have had that with one of our horses. In my search and finding the most comfortable bit and checking teeth, and giving her every benefit, decided she needed to "learn"...
  13. Becky Horat

    Few questions??

    We have big horses as well and our Minis are seperated by pipe panels from the big horses. They will stand along side the fence and really enjoy each other's company (the bigs and Minis). But they are never allowed out together. They become great companions this way and you can pony them...
  14. Becky Horat


    We do a lot of trail driving and have some pretty good size hills to go up and down with our 33-34" Minis. What we learned was the weight of the cart was a big factor. Some of the nicer trail carts were a little heavy for our Minis to pull comfortably up some hills. Of course some horses just...
  15. Becky Horat

    Few questions??

    Not sure if you're planning on turning your new little one out with the big horses or not. But it's not usually a good idea to turn Minis out with full size horses. I know many people do it with no problems. Being an owner of both bigs and little, I had wondered that in the beginning. Just...
  16. Becky Horat

    How to De-Sensitize a Mini for Future Parades?

    For the first parade, I'd suggest leading or ground driving him. This would give you an idea of how he will handle it and you would also be desensitizing him. Our 2 Minis have had a lot of de-sensitizing, have been shown for years and exposed to a lot. They all react differently to these scary...
  17. Becky Horat

    Is it ok to clip the face in the winter?

    Been experimenting on my winter clips on our horses. I want them to have some protection from the weather. Since we work them through the Winter, need less hair for fitting equipment and to keep them from excessive sweating. I've been using different blade sizes, such as #4 and #5 on necks...
  18. Becky Horat

    dressing a wound in a odd location

    After 24 years working for a vet found areas as these very challenging to keep covered. If you must bandage these types of areas (above the knee of a leg always wants to slide down to narrower part of leg) you must fasten something over the neck/back. But be careful it's wide enough to...
  19. Becky Horat

    Round pen owners BEWARE!!!! Injured horse~~

    Have seen the same thing happen with the pipe gate pannel that use chain to fasten to a post. A weanling QH got leg over gate and between the opening. When they fall, these panels of course wedge the leg tighter as they're hanging from it upside down. Thank goodness a bolt cutter was handy...
  20. Becky Horat

    equine illness

    I know you've probably thought of everything at this point. But I'll mention anyway....anything change seasonally?? Like certain leaves falling, nuts falling off trees, etc. Ours started rooting around in the dirt for little weeds/roots this Fall. And no, they're not thin and have roughage...