Lil Timber Buck
Well-Known Member
PLEASE read this if you own at round pen at all. It may save your horse's life. We got lucky and were able to catch it quick enough. We have had our little stallion at home for more than a year now. Since he is our only mini, he lives alone with over-the-fence access to the big horses. Every single day we take him to the round pen for an hour or two of turnout time. He loves to run and play in there and again the horses can access him there too. Lately, we noticed that the big horses would come to the round pen and Timber would rear up and reach over the round pen panels to sniff them and play around. At first, I didn't think anything about it but PLEASE take this as fair warning. I had NO idea what was about to happen. If your ground is not level, your round pen won't sit properly like this (spaced further apart at top pin than bottom pin)
Just enough space is left for a mini horse leg....
Our round pen is the typical round tubing with green paint and is practically new with no sharp edges or dagers other than him sticking his head through the panel I THOUGHT! We turned him out just like we have for the last year. We found him HANGING by his left front leg from the TOP of the round pen. He had reared up to play, his leg apparently made it over this time and when they slid off they went between the panel and the metal pin holding the two panels together!!!!!!
Right here:
I had no idea that the spces were wide enough to do that but look at the pictures and you will see how. I tell you this to hope that you tighten your round pen up as tight as possible and make it safe. You know horses; where there's a way to get hurt, they will find it.
Even tightened up, there is room for the hoof and leg to fall down on the pin so we are looking to put something over this...Any suggestions?? There are plastic caps you can buy but only for the very top...wouldn't help the middle for those little legs.

Just enough space is left for a mini horse leg....

Our round pen is the typical round tubing with green paint and is practically new with no sharp edges or dagers other than him sticking his head through the panel I THOUGHT! We turned him out just like we have for the last year. We found him HANGING by his left front leg from the TOP of the round pen. He had reared up to play, his leg apparently made it over this time and when they slid off they went between the panel and the metal pin holding the two panels together!!!!!!

I had no idea that the spces were wide enough to do that but look at the pictures and you will see how. I tell you this to hope that you tighten your round pen up as tight as possible and make it safe. You know horses; where there's a way to get hurt, they will find it.
Even tightened up, there is room for the hoof and leg to fall down on the pin so we are looking to put something over this...Any suggestions?? There are plastic caps you can buy but only for the very top...wouldn't help the middle for those little legs.