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  1. PaintsRule

    Need color help????

    The sire looks more silver bay to me too, which would make silver bay a possibility for the colt.
  2. PaintsRule

    Clipped Rambo finally.

    He looks like a bay and white, because his mane and tail look to be turning black. He MIGHT be smutty buckskin, I guess to be sure, you could test for creme, if he is carrying the creme gene, then he is a buckskin, if he isnt, then my guess is defenitely bay. I wouldnt think he was smokey black...
  3. PaintsRule

    Minimal overo question

    Ashley yours sounds like it might be minimal splash, but not sure on that.
  4. PaintsRule

    Opinion please.....

    I was always told that a foal looks at 3 months like it will look as an adult, if that is the case, she sure is gonna be a cutie!!! Unfortunately I am not that well versed in telling if they are dwarf, she certainly doenst look like the little "muscle man" look of the one dwarf I saw in real life!
  5. PaintsRule

    Question about blue eyes?

    That last colt, with the face white, has almost enough on that face white enough to be classed as a full colored Paint. You say he is from all Appy breeding, but the mare having the blue eye, herself is a sign of more then appy breeding. Just because pedigrees show appy to appy for generations...
  6. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    No I have done enough research to know that cribbing is CAUSED by tummy problems, and have found this to be true. I have had a 22 year old cribber here, and as long as you fix their diet, so they are not getting irritated, cribbing does them no harm. If she lived to 22 (and older, as far as I...
  7. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    Wow, was doing some research and came across a webpage, and the gal was asking all these questions, and the right side always came up, does your horse seem curved to the right, all the time, does it take the right lead better then the left, etc, and she goes on to talk about ulcers. I have...
  8. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    I am thinking pain in the tummy, I wonder how the stomach,caecum and intestines are positioned. When standing like that, the horse can walk off, or even trot no problem, so doesnt appear to be leg/stifle/groin problem. What really surprised me, is I noticed this mare, who does crib, and the 3...
  9. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    Here is the one mare, and she holds her leg about 6 to 8 inches farther back when she does it.
  10. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    I highly doubt it has anything to do with locking stifle, as this horse is not at all lame, and is not moving any differently. My friend who has the other thinks he is only doing it to balance when cribbing, NEVER does it any other time. My guess is tummy upset. But who knows. It is stretched...
  11. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    Weird a friend has a half brother also (same sires) that cribs also and he stands that same way! I am imagining that MAYBE its to relieve ulcer/tummy pain.
  12. PaintsRule

    Horse standing with right back leg WAY back possible problem?

    Hi, sorry I only post here occaisionally that dang work thing has it so I don't have much spare time. I know there a whole bunch of very knowledgeable people here, was wondering about this mare. Actually have an older mare (12 ) that has been cribbing forever (we have adjusted her diet to help...
  13. PaintsRule

    Color experts, (and I know I have been away for awhile

    Okay, thanks for replying, I forgot about asking and wandered back here to see if it had been replied to.
  14. PaintsRule

    Color experts, (and I know I have been away for awhile

    I have heard that UC Davis has created a test for Sabino, can someone please educate me about it? Is it acurate? What exactly does it test for? I been just so busy, that I have only been frequenting one board, and unfortuately since I raise Paints, it is a Paint board. So came back to pick your...
  15. PaintsRule

    Would you breed to a stallion?

    Okay, since I am new to this, and dont know too much about Dwarves, by everyone's replies I assume the dwarf gene is recessive???? if that is so, I didnt see too much mention of the mares in question that produced the dwarf gene, not being used again...... if its not recessive (and only one copy...
  16. PaintsRule

    By what age should the testes have descended?

    Since here, it costs over $1000 for a gelding of a horse that has not dropped, I prefer not to keep a stallion who has dropped late. I like to sell my babies at birth, and will guarantee them dropped. I have never had a big horse that dropped successfully if he was not dropped at birth. There...
  17. PaintsRule

    By what age should the testes have descended?

    Like many have said, I would not want to keep a line going that is late droppers. I would much rather have a colt I was sure of, then one that was a wait and see. Not to knowing FOR SURE if he has dropped or not. Even though they can bring them up, after dropping, when they lay down (not flat...
  18. PaintsRule

    A little tip for difficult to deworm horses

    You could also use an empty womer tube to feed them apple sauce, so they are expecting it, give them a tube of that, the tube of wormer, then follow with a tube of applesauce, I bet they get so they really like taking the tube in their mouth!
  19. PaintsRule

    Retarting overo thread.

    I agree, I wish they had only editted out the original message, but not sure if they could just do that......
  20. PaintsRule

    Does anyone use one piece hood and blanket sleazie

    Thanks, the one I have for the big one has a belly band, and zip on the throat, as well as removeable leg straps. and darts on the bum and shoulders Guess though if the perferred is the 2 piece, thats fine......