Question about blue eyes?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Do horses with blue eyes have to be overo? Or can a solid horse have blue eyes? Is there some kind of gene that makes there eyes blue?


A visual solid color horse can have blue eyes, but it is probably a sign of having one of the Overo genes: LWO, Splash, or Sabino.
I am certainly no expert but Cremello horses have blue eyes and I know overo's do.

I am sure one of the genetic experts will answer your question fully.

Good Luck and great question!
my colt has one blue eye, and i know he carries the overo gene!!. .....

but i dont know much else...
I am certainly no expert but Cremello horses have blue eyes and I know overo's do.

I am sure one of the genetic experts will answer your question fully.

Good Luck and great question!
YES, your right all double dilutes do have to have blue eyes to be double dilute!

If I were to have B+W Pinto with a b lue eye and he has a black spot thats mixed with white looking liek a sabino horse but its just one of his "bvlack" splashes and he has 2 blue eyes would yousay he carries the overo gene?! what gene would you guesse he would carry?
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i have a gelding with one blue eye and one brown eye he is a b&w pinto......i think, he has white mixed in to the black so what is he?
I have a little appy colt with a blue eye not sure where it came from but it is as blue as blue can get . Jody
Blue eyes are attached to Splash and Frame, they are not attached to Sabino.

There is no test for Splash or Sabino so this is not provable by testing at the moment but is generally held to be fact.

There is a theory that there is also an unattached to Pinto, blue eyes on their own, gene, but I do not place any credence on it.

In the case of most European horses there is only Splash present that will give blue eyes.

We do not call this Overo
Hi Gage,

I had a filly one time named HHH Moonlight Serenade out of my totally appy mare Magnolia Farms Robin (no pinto or white markings at all on her) and by my seal brown totally solid stallion Vega Light Vant Huttenest and Serenade had two bright blue eyes and still does as adult.

Susan O.
A little OT, but a big horse person (who sees no uses for minis :new_shocked: ) told me that blue eyes are easily infected and have problems. I'm just looking at her like WHAT ARE YOU ON? blah, I wonder how many people out there believe that. :no: She still didnt' believe me when I told her otherwise.
I know I will probably get flamed but here goes. I have been involved with paints for many years and many tobianos have blue eyes without overo breeding. I have had quite a surprise this year as I finally got my pinto filly from a solid mare and tobiano stallion, both brown eyed, no overo background very lean on tobiano genes even and got a blue eyed filly. We are still scratching our heads over this one.
I know I will probably get flamed but here goes. I have been involved with paints for many years and many tobianos have blue eyes without overo breeding. I have had quite a surprise this year as I finally got my pinto filly from a solid mare and tobiano stallion, both brown eyed, no overo background very lean on tobiano genes even and got a blue eyed filly. We are still scratching our heads over this one.
I have not seen the horses you are talking about, so I am NOT saying you are wrong. However, backgrounds can be very deceiving. My stallion (in avatar) has absolutely no dilute colors listed in his pedigree. Imagine my shock when I started getting Palomino foals from Sorrel mares and Buckskin foals from Bay mares. Also, if those Tobianos you are referring to have any face white, there is something there besides Tobiano. If the blue-eyed Tobianos you refer to have any face white, I would suspect the Splash gene as being the culprit.

Again, I don't know the horses you are referring to and am NOT saying you are wrong. Just general statements. Some confusion also comes from the fact that some people refer ONLY to LWO (Frame) as being Overo while others refer to Splash and Sabino as Overo also.
My three year old gelding, Blue, has blue eyes. He also has a big white star on his forhead, and a snippet. I don't know if that helps at all...

Ditto what Freeland says- a lot of people still stick to believing Tobiano can have face white- whilst horses in a lot of pedigrees are mis - registered for colour- Miniatures are pretty bad at this generally and the AQHA and Paint registries appear as bad if not worse.

Blue eyes were, at one time, thought to appear without Splash or Frame ancestry but if we were to attempt to prove this were so, Miniatures are not the breed I would pick to do so!!

Blue has Splash!!
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I agree with Freeland on this one, too! It takes more than just tobiano to get those blue eyes! Any face white is now thought to be from frame, sabino or splashed white.
Here is our tiny snowcap colt from this year “Chief Red Cloudâ€...aka RC. He is a result of appaloosa breeding on both sides of his pedigree and received his blazed face, blue eyes, and white hind sock from his dam who has blue mixed in her brown eyes. She is a line bred broodmare by the famous leopard stallion Broken Lance. It's my understanding blazes and socks can come from Sabino and can be responsible for some blue eyes as well. RC's momma is standing behind him in both pictures.

[SIZE=14pt]Lost Spoke's Chief Red Cloud[/SIZE]


That last colt, with the face white, has almost enough on that face white enough to be classed as a full colored Paint. You say he is from all Appy breeding, but the mare having the blue eye, herself is a sign of more then appy breeding. Just because pedigrees show appy to appy for generations, when patterns are combined, somewhere, someone started saying Appy, when it could have been appy/pinto all along......
Here is one of our solid black mares who has blue eyes. She doesn't have a stitch of body white anywhere. She is out of a sorrel Bond A Toy 4 UC daughter and black pinto sire: Bond Sir Galahads Legacy. Hope my examples are helpful in answering your question Gage.

[SIZE=14pt]Libertymere's Legacy's Pepper[/SIZE]


Dawn :saludando:
Te white on your chestnut colt is classic Splash.

The MOST minimal form of Splash is blue eyes- Frame seems to lose the blue eyes fairly quickly- as it loses body white- and the socks are the first thing to go on Frame and the last on Splash, but Yes, I would say Splash even on the Black filly.

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