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  1. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    What is happening with FLIRT - Kay Kay?

    I have been watching Flirt too Kay (just because I finally can!) and I'll be really happy when she gives that filly up for you! By the way what are you guys doing up there to get all this rain!? WE need some down here in FL please!?!?? Could you send it our way?? We have two pastures to plant!!
  2. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Marty, I have tears in my eyes!! She's beautiful and you know she came straight from Michael - congratulations!! I am so happy for you :aktion033:
  3. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    New filly!!!!!!!!

    Wow contratulations on a sweet little girl!!! :
  4. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Oh Danna, I'm so sorry. Reading your story brought back the nightmare we went through in 2004 with my mare Dusty. She went into premature labor and her baby was also upside down and backward. We took her to Auburn University where our night went exactly like yours....except ours was a perfect...
  5. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    How soon after foaling.....

    That's a good idea Suzie, and you're right....that child's nozzle is kinda big too, but the one you're talking about is very flexible and soft!! :aktion033:
  6. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    How soon after foaling.....

    Samantha, another reason folks use the childs enema is due to the size of the applicator itself. An adult enema bottle 'nozzle' is too big for a baby's tiny little pucker....often times I've found that even the child size one is somehwhat large for some of my babies...but you don't want to hurt...
  7. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Prayers for Twoie, and prayers for you !! Please let us know when you can how she is !
  8. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Just finished clipping

    For not working him over the winter, he's in nice shape!! I think he could hold his own with minimal work, no problem!! Isn't it fun unwrapping the youngsters in the spring?
  9. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    It´s a boy!

    Congrats ! What a cutie!! : I love the name and he has the most precious 'kissy spot' on his nose!!
  10. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Yay! Spring! And the fur is fly'en......Pics!

    Lovely girls MA, I think Sparkle is my favorite - I can't wait to see what you find when you body clip her all the way!!
  11. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    We Found ..............

    Congrats Charlotte !! That little black and white filly is F-A-N-C-Y!! Love her markings!! The other two are gorgeous too, but that black/white one...WOW she just knocks me over!! Sorry I can't offer any suggestions on names - I'm not the best at that on a good day : :o
  12. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Geshan Babies are here!!

    Wow, two very nice colts! Congratulations !! :aktion033:
  13. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    New baby

    congratulations what a handsome little guy! :aktion033: I think it's so cool how grey foals (or foals that have that grey gene) have 'reverse eyeliner' - too cute!!
  14. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Need help with pinto pattern

    I know next to NIL about color patterns but wanted to say that I saw your boy on Laurel Acres site a month or so ago and I inquired about him....but it was too late, you got to him first!! Congrats, he's beautiful!!
  15. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Flirt cam update

    Aww Kay, no need to apologize. Many a maiden mare has made a fool out of many of us! I had a mare that I'd bought when she was about 5 months bred. She wasn't a maiden, but I had nothing to go on with her foaling history. I was extra paranoid because the horses weren't at my home at that time...
  16. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    I'm so lucky!!!

    Kim you do amazing work, you have such an incredible way of capturing the soul of whatever you paint!! Robin you are indeed one lucky girl, but such a deserving one !! Congrats honey!!
  17. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    My New Colt!

    Congratulations Mona! He's gorgeous : Makes me want to scoop him up and snuggle him!!
  18. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Flirt cam update

    I'm excited because using the SMP links I can FINALLY see Flirt in all her glory...standing there with her head in the corner. Now watch her foal as I'm on my way home from work :
  19. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    AMHR problem

    Amy I think you're talking about hardshipping. This is a different situation (or seems to be to me) in that both parents were AMHR so the mare is eligible for AMHR registration already. Maybe the $60 for the late registration (over 3) but certainly not the $200 as a hardship fee. Am I right Dona?
  20. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Concerned about my mare

    Since we have put up our new barn, I have found out that a bunch of my horses are actually half beaver. My gelding and one mare have chewed two of the 5 boards between their stalls COMPLETELY IN HALF. I have found a lot less nibbling going on down at the end I actually managed to get stained...