What with the warm weather hitting us (actually saw 70 degrees a couple days ago!), the bulbs blooming in the yard, and all the horse fur flying, we started clipping head and necks!
Some of our youngsters we've never seen their heads clipped, so it was totally like having a package unwrapped.......I LOVE pleasant surprises! Think we did at least 14 kids this past week, but will only bore you with three of them.......hope you don't mind...... :bgrin
This is "Diamonte" (DeeDee), a 2 yr old Arenosa filly, AMHR/ASPC.
Second is "Sparkle", yearling Arenosa filly - half sister to DeeDee. (Can't wait to body clip her!)
Third and last is "Whisper", yearling AMHA filly, our Bond Showboy granddaughter.
Some of our youngsters we've never seen their heads clipped, so it was totally like having a package unwrapped.......I LOVE pleasant surprises! Think we did at least 14 kids this past week, but will only bore you with three of them.......hope you don't mind...... :bgrin
This is "Diamonte" (DeeDee), a 2 yr old Arenosa filly, AMHR/ASPC.

Second is "Sparkle", yearling Arenosa filly - half sister to DeeDee. (Can't wait to body clip her!)

Third and last is "Whisper", yearling AMHA filly, our Bond Showboy granddaughter.