New baby

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Mt. Ulla, NC
Well we had another colt born last night at 12:30 but he is very nice. This was one of the foals that i was really looking forward to. This is the 4th time we have done this cross between Alladins Lac E Lady and Lucky Four Silver Rebels Legacy, a National Grand Champion. This is the first colt that Lucky Four Silvers Rebel Legacy has had for us in 3 years, he produces a lot of fillies. Lac E had a little bit of trouble, she had been pushing and pushing for about 10 minutes so i knew something was wrong so i went in found both legs and pulled the baby out. He came out gasping for air but is fine. He is a bay based grey pinto. He already has the grey around his eyes and his body color is already turning grey too. He is a really nice little colt with a real dishy head. It really seems like it is being a colt year for just about everybody. Here are the pics.




congratulations what a handsome little guy! :aktion033:

I think it's so cool how grey foals (or foals that have that grey gene) have 'reverse eyeliner' - too cute!!
Congratulations on a cute little guy!! I can't believe another boy!

I've never seen the reverse eyeliner on a foal before -- Very neat!
I love the white eyeliner, why don´t they stay that way! :bgrin

He´s gorgeous! Congrats! :aktion033:
Very cute, very curly-fuzzy!!


Liz M.
Congrats on another lovely baby. Sure am glad u were the get him out!
Aww He is NICE! Love his Little White Eyeliner!! its CUTE!
Aubrey, thank goodness you were there to help, what a cutie, Congrats!!! :aktion033:
Look at those goggles! How cute are they?? He has such unusual markings too.

So that 'eyeliner' won't stay? That's a shame.

He is adorable, I really love him.

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